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Results (109 - 111 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#593 wontfix MapFish requires internet connection to work live-demo@… camerons

MapFish currently accesses a basemap from the web (OSM?). Our aim for OSGeoLive is that all applications should work without connecting to the internet.

Can we set up MapFish to access a local basemap instead?

#702 fixed Create directories for Win and Mac installers at wildintellect camerons

Alex, Can you please create a directory of installers at: and

our docs reference the above directories

#747 fixed "right" directive not working when generating osgeo-live docs using sphinx live-demo@… camerons

On ubuntu 11.04 (which is what osgeo-live 5.0 is based upon), the image ":align: right" directive doesn't seem to be getting recognized, as images are displayed in the center of display instead of on the right, as they should be. This text was rendered correctly for osgeo-live 4.5 on ubuntu 10.04.

An example of RST text is here:

.. image:: ../../images/screenshots/800x600/openlayers-basic.png
  :scale: 100 %
  :alt: screenshot
  :align: right

Attached to this ticket are 3 different screen shots:

  • ubuntu11.04.png: This is an example of the image being displayed in the center of the display instead of the right.
  • This image is what is displayed for release 4.5, and is the way the rendering should look
  • is an image of the nightly build. This has a different problem in the relative size of images is not being respected.
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