Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2367 fixed Lightweight R-spatial bundle osgeolive@… bakaniko

Trying to install the sf R package without the whole tidyverse metapackage.

From blank ubuntu budgie 22.04, needs to be tested during build

# Cpp compilation dependencies
sudo apt install make g++

# geospatial dependecies (should be already there)
sudo apt install libgdal-dev lib-proj-dev lib-geos-dev libudunits2-dev

# R installation
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends r-base # after following CRAN steps see

# special dependecies used by sf
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends gfortran r-cran-classint r-cran-dplyr

# install sf for geodata handlingand ggplot2 for mapping
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends r-cran-sf r-cran-ggplot2

package size indications (from apt command) :

  • r-base: 76,2 Mo
  • g++: 29,5 Mo
  • gfortran: 34,6 Mo
  • r-cran-sf :23 Mo
  • r-cran-classint : 2 Mo
  • r-cran-dplyr : 14,1 Mo
#1000 fixed Accented characters missing on doc web site live-demo@… barryrowlingson

On the sponsors page, some names seems to have dropped accented characters:

Eike Hinderk Jrrens

  • should have a u-umlaut in surname.

Grald Fenoy

  • should be Gerald with an acute accent "/"

maybe there are others, but there are plenty of names with correct accents.

#2126 fixed User "user" not in group "users" on OSGeoLive vmdk osgeolive@… Ben Caradoc-Davies

The user "user" is not a member of the "users" group on the OSGeoLive 12.0 vmdk. This prevents GeoServer from writing to its data directory and causes GeoServer to fail to start. The iso image is not affected by this problem.

Workaround is to fix the vmdk with the following one-time procedure:

(1) Start a terminal.

(2) Run "sudo adduser user users".

(3) Apply this change by starting a new desktop session: either restart the virtual machine or log out and log back in (username "user", password "user").

GeoServer should now start normally.

OSGeoLive mailing list discussion:

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