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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#654 duplicate Marble: Wikipedia links need disambiguation live-demo@… activityworkshop

If you click on a city in Marble and see the Wikipedia tab, it just shows the wikipedia page for the city name. If there is more than one city with that name, the wrong page can be shown.

Example: Victoria, BC, Canada - this shows the wikipedia page for "Victoria" which is just a disambig page including "Victoria (name)", "Queen Victoria" and so on. It would be much better if Marble was smart enough to go straight to the page "Victoria, British Columbia" instead.

Example2: London, Ontario, Canada - this shows the page for "London" which of course goes straight to London, UK. This should show "London, Ontario" instead.

Going to a disambiguation page is annoying enough but going to a completely wrong page is worse.

#1069 duplicate saga_gui.desktop is empty live-demo@… adiez

In my osgeo-live-mini-6.5beta2.iso saga_gui.desktop is empty. 0 bytes

#624 fixed livedvd/content.html lists wrong versinos of Geopublsiher and AtlasStyler alfonx alfonx

Talking about:

  1. Versionnumber has to be updated to 1.5
  2. Shoud be seperated into two paragraphs: one for geopublisher, one for atlasstyler
  3. doc/geopublishing_description.html can then be deleted, as there exist doc/overview/geopublisher_overview.rst and doc/overview/atlasstyler_overview.rst

Please point be to the files I have to look at, and I will fix it myself,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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