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Results (79 - 81 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2180 invalid "osgeo" user instead of "user" in the vmdk osgeolive@… bakaniko

During pgRouting workshop at FOSS4G 2019, I encountered people who used the vmdk. The user was "osgeo" which causes problems with rights during the workshop.

We countered that by booting from the ISO.

#2183 wontfix Add a quickstart for geospatial data, standards and software osgeolive@… bakaniko

As suggested by flicstar [1], OSGeoLive is currently aimed to people who have a knowledge of GIS. Maybe we can provide content for non GIS people coming to the field.


#2186 fixed Contact US link in wiki doesn't send to a contact page osgeolive@… bakaniko

The first link in the contact us section [1] send to OSGeoLive Wiki [2]. It contents only a link that send to the trac wiki [3]

I suggest that it should refers to the trac page or nothing as the contact us page on the documentation [3] will be translated and be revised at each release.

This is as been spotted with the help of aeylinen on Transifex (Thanks)

[1] [2] http\ [3]

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