Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2151 fixed provide pgadmin 4 osgeolive@… astrid_emde
  • it would be great to have in addition to pgadmin III also pgAdmin 4 on OSGeoLive 13.0
  • pgadmin III is out of date and does not support PostgreSQL 10
#2245 fixed QGIS error concerning user access rights and wrong QGIS Server url osgeolive@… astrid_emde

With QGIS (Desktop or Server), the location of the demo files is in /home/user/qgis-examples which will only work is your user is called "user".

As a consequence, there is an error with the provided QGIS Server project at http://localhost/qgis_server/ (no map display).

The files in /home/<my_user>/qgis-examples belong to root and cannot be edited without a "sudo chown". When trying to save a QGIS project in /home/<my_user>/qgis-examples, there is an error "unable to execute the zip file" even after correcting the user permissions on the folder and the files.

The link provided in http://localhost/osgeolive/en/quickstart/qgis_mapserver_quickstart.html to open the WMS URL ( http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv?map=/home/user/world.qgz&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=-91.901820,-180.000000,83.633800,180.000000&CRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=722&HEIGHT=352&LAYERS=ne_10m_admin_0_countries&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/png&DPI=96&TRANSPARENT=true ) provides a server exception in response even if /home/user is replace by the correct /home/<my_user>.

#2257 fixed write a quickstart on how to work on the command line astrid_emde astrid_emde
  • write a quickstart about the commands you should know if you work on the command line
  • f.e apt install libreoffice
  • goal: after you read the quickstart you should know the most important commands to work svely with the terminal
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