Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1001 fixed 6.0 Failed to install to hard drive live-demo@… Aborrell

Tried to install the live dvd osgeo 6.0 (md5 chacked), both from dvd and from an usb image. After selecting the language, there is a crash reporting an error from /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity. and then closes the application. I've tried several machines, several languages with no success. The systems had other operating systems installed on it, but I tried with an empty hard disk with no luck. Yet it worked with version 5.5

#645 fixed Marble crash when cancelling layer generation live-demo@… activityworkshop

When running marble, if you select a layer for the first time (eg satellite view) then a progress bar pops up saying that it may take some time to generate the layer. If you press the cancel button, then marble crashes with a "Floating Point Exception".

If the system is running well then this dialog disappears again quickly so you have to be quick to reproduce this error. But if the disk takes time to spin up or it's a bit slow for some other reason then it's tempting to press cancel.

#646 fixed Viking confused by zoom out/in live-demo@… activityworkshop

Viking - if you zoom out a long way and zoom in again, the scale bar gets completely confused and the loaded track & map no longer appear. The Ruler tool then draws lots of lines all over the screen, which flicker and follow the mouse cursor. Closing and reopening Viking solves the problem. Problem is reproducible every time but maybe depends on speed of zoom?

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