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Results (40 - 42 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2072 worksforme PDAL on OSGeoLive 12 osgeolive@… darkblueb

status and context for PDAL on OSGeoLive 12

replaces ticket #1341

#2073 fixed Email about languages for translating osgeolive@… cvvergara

This is the original suggestion by Bakaniko

Hi dear translators and OSGeoLive users,

I'm proud to announce that we linked the Transifex platform to the Github repository so when when the .po files will be updated on Github, Transifex will fetch them a few hours later.

We are now working integrating the automated doc building in the OSGeoLive ISO building process and reducing the doc size in order to save space.
So that is good news !

We would like to thank you for the work done here and to encourage you continue this work here. We had several demands for local or regional languages and that's great. But we would like to concentrate on global languages rather than regional ones. For example, for Spanish, doing Spanish (es) first and when it is done, translate Spanish (Mexico) (es_MX) or Spanish (Spain) (es_ES). We value local languages but our aim is to provide complete traductions of overviews and quickstarts, not partial ones that will only bring confusion to the user.

Best regards, 
#2074 fixed blue screen xorg error: problems when starting Lubuntu 18.4. or OSGeoLive 12 alpha1 with virtual box osgeolive@… astrid_emde

when you run OSGeoLive builds with virtual box (without installation) it can happen, that you get stuck in a blue screen. Then it can help to type Right Ctrl F1 & Right Ctrl F7. But in some cases this does not help and you can't start OSGeoLive

Steps to reproduce

  • Download
  • create a virtual machine with virtual box (Linux/Ubuntu64 bit)
  • start and choose the iso
  • choose the language
  • can see the screen Lubuntu 18.4
  • but then the blue screen shows up and nothing else happens
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