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Results (178 - 180 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#430 fixed Create documentation for the LiveDVD live-demo@… camerons

User level documentation needs to be added for each application.

I'm looking for direction as to what this documentation should look like, and how it should be written.

At the moment, I think it should be available via a HTML page.

To start with, I've copied the documentation from the 2008 Live DVD into arramagong.css banner.bmp index.html jquery.js

Docs are updated using

#433 duplicate Change Language, Country and Keyboard-Layout at first boot live-demo@… rpinho

I would like to ask suggestions for configuring Xbuntu to ask for Language, Country and Keyboard-Layout at first boot. So users can start VM with their preferred configuration and host computer Keyboard straight from the beginning.

Thanks, Ricardo Pinho

#438 fixed Postgres 8.3 install script live-demo@… darkblueb

script attempts to make a postgres user "user" as a superuser however, it is currently not working

run the LiveDVD VMWare image execute in the shell sudu su - postgres #enter user psql postgres \du ## observer there is no user "user"


createuser --superuser user

## this works psql postgres alter role "user" with password 'user'; ## give user a password \q

exit psql -d postgres -W #enter user

##now you are in

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