Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#415 fixed Live DVD should use US keyboard live-demo@… camerons

The FOSS4G2009alpha1 version of the Live DVD should use a US keyboard, it is currently set to something else.

Fix by selecting: Applications -> Settings -> Keyboard -> Layout

Tick Keyboard layout = us

#417 fixed Create desktop icons for Geoserver live-demo@… shansen

All applications should have a desktop icon; also geoserver. Clicking on the icon must start the tomcat/geoserver. Also create an icon for stopping geoserver.

#418 fixed Create desktop icons for Mapserver live-demo@… shansen

Create desktop icons for mapserver. Clicking on one icon should start up apache2 and open FF with a Mapserver example page. The other icon should shutdown apache2.

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