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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1978 invalid Mapbender3 access rights for files are not right - user is set to 1000 instead of user astrid_emde astrid_emde

access rights for mapbender3 files are not right - user is set to 1000 instead of user

Mapbender3 is located at /var/www/html/mapbender3

In the install script is a command that passes all files to user as owner and www-data as group:

chown -R user:www-data "$INSTALL_DIR/mapbender3"

cd /var/www/html ls -l

it says: drwxr-xr-x 12 1000 www-data mapbender3

Like this it is not possible to edit the files as user user without setting chown again.

What happened on install. Was somthing wrong?

#2076 fixed send project reminder to all projects and refer to alpha1 and mildestones astrid_emde astrid_emde

This is the text that was send:

OSGeoLive 12.0 alpha1 is available - please provide ${"Application Id"} for the release

Hi ${"First"},

OSGeoLive 12.0 build circle started. We provide build for download already.

Please download alpha1 version and check you application/data [1] (3.6 GB)
Many projects already updated their version and are part of alpha1 already. Thanks for providing them. 
You find the programms and versions from alpha1 in the CHANGES.txt at
If your project ${"Application Id"} is not available yet, please provide it till 2 July 2018

* please change your installer at Github [2] or provide a package.

* Note: our documentation translation moved to Transifex [3]
* 16-Jul-2018 English Project Overviews & Quickstarts complete (commit your changes on github)
* 23-Jul-2018 Translations complete (translations are done at Transifex)

Key Milestones - see schedule [4]
2-Jul-2018 OSGeo-Live Feature Freeze (final application versions installed)
30-Jul-2018 OSGeoLive RC stage (documentation release)
6-Aug-2018 OSGeoLive Final ISO
27-Aug-2018 FOSS4G 2018 Dar Es Salaam, Tansania

Any questions, please ask on the OSGeoLive mailing list [5]  or  meet the osgeolive team on irc #osgeolive or contact me directly.

Warm regards,

Astrid Emde

from the OSGeoLive Team

[1] (3.6 GB)

#2141 fixed QGIS configuration not yet ported from 2.8.x astrid_emde kalxas

PostGIS connections need to be added, along other enhancements (see )

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