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Results (112 - 114 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#949 fixed ossim installation script fails kalxas kalxas

We have to use ossim-core for now

#951 fixed Clean up OSGeoLive build instructions kalxas kalxas

From what is documented in only a small part is now useful to create the distribution.

I propose to clean things up and add the few tricks we use while releasing a beta, rc or final version.


#959 fixed geomajas installs old version on OSGeo-Live kalxas camerons

As of OSGeoLive 6.0beta4, the geomajas install script [1] installs version 1.8.0 rather than the latest stable version of 1.11.


We believe that this is also linked to geomajas not working in 6.0beta4 when the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) library was copied into the main java library.

The following email thread [2] should provide insights: On 07/23/2012 08:41 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

We actually have three things to track here:

  • JAI
  • ImageIO
  • ImageIO-Ext (this will make use of GDAL binaries if they are available on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or installed into jre/bin)

I was concerned about GeoMajas using an older copy of GeoTools; and ending up requiring a different version of ImageIO-Ext (and thus GDAL) then the other projects.

From a recent announcement ( it looks like GeoTools 2.7.5 is expected. This release of GeoTools ( works with ImageIO 1.1.x stream and should be compatible with the same ImageIO-Ext as GeoServer and uDig (which are starting to make use of GeoTools 8).

Hi Jody,

Geomajas on the DVD is still in version 1.8.0. The link you provided was referring to Geomajas 1.11.0


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