Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#688 wontfix Move tmp files to a subdir of tmp kalxas wildintellect

I'd like to propose that we put all tmp file in a subdir of /tmp. Something like osgeolive

The reason is that if we implement this I can actually mount a second virtual machine disk to /tmp/osgeolive and store all the downloaded files independent of any build. I could do it that way now, but I'd also get all the other junk that's in the tmp.

That means it will take less time to compress the builds for release, there is no need to copy the cached files on and off each build, and the build can work with or without the pre-cached files.

#736 fixed QGIS plugin bundle updates kalxas wildintellect

Plugin bundle is out of date, again. We should probably write a short script to pull the plugins we want rather than having to make a static bundle every time.

Built in Postgis connection doesn't seem to be there anymore, maybe syntax has changed.

Would be really good to ftools, GdalTools and possibly the database menu on by default.

#860 fixed pycsw not installed properly kalxas kalxas

pycsw was not installed in beta4 due to download failure (sourceforge certificates over https)

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