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Results (94 - 96 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1210 fixed wrong version of leaflet is installed johanvdw johanvdw

On the current build of the live dvd an old version of leaflet is accidently installed (0.2 instead of 0.6.2).

This renders the quickstart and demo useless. The fix is fairly easy, and won't affect other programs on the live dvd.

It can be tested on the current live dvd by running

apt-get install libjs-leaflet

I therefore propose to add this fix even though we are already at a RC level.

Full fix below:

---	(revision 10783)
+++	(working copy)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 add-apt-repository --yes ppa:johanvdw/leafletjs
+apt-get -q update
 apt-get --assume-yes install libjs-leaflet

#2049 fixed build documentation package from git instead of bazaar johanvdw johanvdw

This is a small enhancement I'm planning to do. Currently the packages with documentation are built from a bazaar mirror of the git repository.

Launchpad now allows git repositories to be used for daily builds as well.

I've set up a test script at:

I'll review whether this works well - we may have to bump the version to make sure that we install over older versions if we decide to use this for the next release.

Priority is minor as the current system works well.

#1034 fixed gvSIG demo project, natural earth paths changed jsanz kalxas

we need to fix paths so that default gvSIG project does not ask for data path

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