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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#793 fixed Move documentation translations to Transifex cvvergara hamish


if the translators can provide the words, I thought it might be nice to translate the Geospatial menu (Web Services etc) and desktop icons into the various languages.

if trac can handle the chars, post the the word list as a comment to this ticket; if that's problematic, post them as an attachment to this ticket.

thanks, Hamish

#1620 fixed Create a Travis continuous integration script for documentation cvvergara kalxas

Since the documents are now hosted under git (and mirrored on GitHub) we can take advantage of the Travis continuous integration capabilities and catch any build errors before merging new code.

#2043 fixed Make develop/overview like master/overview cvvergara bakaniko

The overview develop branch for milestone 11 needs to have the same order of the projects as the current one:

Right now all the sections are scrambled, and cesium is missing

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