Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2237 fixed Download and save translated strings cvvergara cvvergara

Download from transifex all translated strings We have 28 languages: from those: 8 languages have no work done 12 have more than 30% work done 8 have less than 30% work done

Before switching back to the changes flicstar made, we need a safe place to store the work done from the translators with the documentation up to version 13.0.0

  • In case of any mishap with transifex we have the translations

Made the Milestone to live up to the end of this year.

#2236 fixed Update the PostGIS Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The PostGIS Quickstart was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 3 out of possible 4. It is a bit too long and there are embedded comments from Cameron we should action.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

#2235 fixed Update the OSM Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The OSM Quickstart was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 0 out of possible 4. It is not a quickstart and perhaps it is not required.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

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Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.