Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2258 fixed Unvalid link in actinia quickstart osgeolive@… bakaniko

This link is not working anymore (error 404) 6-days NDVI, MOD13C1, V006, CMG 0.05 deg res. (latlong/modis_ndvi_global/; source:

#2257 fixed write a quickstart on how to work on the command line astrid_emde astrid_emde
  • write a quickstart about the commands you should know if you work on the command line
  • f.e apt install libreoffice
  • goal: after you read the quickstart you should know the most important commands to work svely with the terminal
#2256 fixed python3-datacube needs cachetools osgeolive@… darkblueb

SETUP: base LUbuntu with osgeolive nightly PPA added

ACTION: apt install python3-datacube

ERROR: package python3-datacube depends on python3-cachetools but it is not avaiable

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