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Results (211 - 213 of 1135)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#870 wontfix Updated the fdo packages live-demo@… leonardoc

Hello, On the latest Live DVD there's a script to install mapguide that you can find on gisvm/bin/ The script downloads the fdo packages that are asking as a dependency a odbcinst1debian1 pkg but the live dvd is based on ubuntu 11 and the only package available is odbcinst1debian2.

There's a need to rebuild the fdo packages for ubuntu 11 environment.

#871 fixed Mapbender cannot load a local WMS from GeoServer live-demo@… kalxas

I use the admin_en interface as suggested from Quickstart. When I add GeoServer's GetCapabilities url, there is an error. Works with Mapserver WMS. Also works with WMS examples from Quickstart.

#873 fixed harmonize OSGeo-Contact Information fgdrf fgdrf

Right now, if the contact changes all rst documents have to be updated separately. As a result the documentation is not consistent.

Solution would be an additional osgeo_contact.rst site within the doc folder. This document should be included in the sponsors_osgeo.rst with the following directive:

.. include :: ../osgeo_contact.rst

I would suggest to replace the Email and Phone phrase by little images because it's not necessary to translate these.

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