Custom Query (1137 matches)
Results (190 - 192 of 1137)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#792 | wontfix | misc notes from carl - RC6 | ||
Description |
Notes - Carl - Sunday - testing on booted .iso RC6 ---------------------------------------------------------- * arrange desktop icons differently * help ison on the desktop should be renamed bigger, rename to "Start Here", etc * existance of games on the disk lots of games, waste of space ? * what is in /home/user ? is this arranged well ? * QGis - open up the project file the project file indicated by the quickstart guide gives a warning about mismatched versions * no root password inthe password file * xfce4 Desktop closed unuexpectedly on two different days * GeoMajas in the quickstart says apt-get install maven2.. this is contrary to the "ready to run" cd setup * Spatialite Quickstart two paragraphs should be merged, unclear, redundant * Windows and Apple installer links at the bottom of the Help page dont go anywhere .. (tested on mini-iso) * QGis Quickstart go to a menu called Desktop, which is wrong the new name is Geospatial |
#793 | fixed | Move documentation translations to Transifex | ||
Description |
Hi, if the translators can provide the words, I thought it might be nice to translate the Geospatial menu (Web Services etc) and desktop icons into the various languages. if trac can handle the chars, post the the word list as a comment to this ticket; if that's problematic, post them as an attachment to this ticket. thanks, Hamish |
#794 | fixed | update mapfish logo to say "OSGeo Project" | ||
Description |
On 31 August, the Mapfish project completed incubation, so we should update the Project Overview accordingly. (In needs the icon "Project in Incubation" changed to "Incubated Project"). |
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