Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#757 fixed qgis_server should be accessible at http://localhost/qgis_server live-demo@… camerons

In osgeolive 5.0b5, If you click on the qgis_server icon, it opens: file://usr/local/share/qgis_mapserver/mapviewer.html

Instead, we should set up a relative link:

ln -s /usr/local/share/qgis_mapserver /var/www

QGIS Mapserver should the be accessible from http://localhost/qgis_mapserver

This will make the application consistent with the rest of the osgeo-live applications.

#758 fixed rasdaman failing to build live-demo@… camerons

Hi, is still failing to build in 5.0rc1.

[...] In member function <E2><80><98>const char* Configuration::makeLogFileName( const char*)<E2><80><99>: error: <E2><80><98>mkdir<E2><80><99> was not declared in this scope make[2]: * [rasmgr_config.o] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build_rasdaman/rasdaman/rasmgr' make[1]: * [install-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build_rasdaman/rasdaman/rasmgr' make: * [install-recursive] Error 1 ERROR: package install failed.

thanks, Hamish

#759 fixed starting mapnik on osgeo-live doesn't work live-demo@… camerons

We have a number of issues with mapnik on OSGeo-Live:

I ran the Mapnik quickstart, starting from "Mapnik & Openlayers" heading. Click Desktop -> Spatial Tools -> Start Mapnik & TileLite Then tried opening http://localhost:8000 This URL returns an error, "Unable to connect"

Then, the following URL has changed (quickstart needs to be updated): wrong: http://localhost/mapnik/demo/openlayers.html correct to: http://localhost/mapnik/openlayers.html

And the contents of new page doesn't load (it only gets a title) (probably because http://localhost:8000 didn't load)

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