Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#482 wontfix crazy font size on mac computers live-demo@… hamish


as Jody reported the font size on the startup screen and in QGIS can go nuts.

check current auto-detect res with:

xdpyinfo | grep -B1 -A1 resolution

edit ~/.config/xfce4/Xft.xrdb



and add following line somewhere at the end: Xft.dpi: 96

(you need to edit the /etc/ file as root, so sudo the editor)

then log out, and log back in.


#483 fixed maptile exe download crawls live-demo@… wildintellect

For some reason when re-running the build iso a couple of windows packages get re-downloaded even though wget is specifically instructed -c.

This wouldn't be a huge issue, but has been crawling, 20 minutes for a 10M download on a very fast connection. Not sure what gives.

#484 fixed provide language support live-demo@… hamish


currently the available language options are about a dozen flavou?rs of English and nothing else. It would be nice to include the major spoken languages of the world too (whatever those be, some suggestions already posted to the ML).

Currently to change the language you have to Log Out+Log Out to get to the Log In screen, then click the Language button at the middle top. Or another way is once logged in go into the menus and select Applications -> System -> Language Support.

  • We should copy/create that as a desktop icon or a flag button in the top taskbar.


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