Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#476 fixed localhost not viewable in offline mode live-demo@… camerons

When the network is disconnected, the http://localhost url is not found in firefox. In particular http://localhost:5000 doesn't find the mapfish application.

To reproduce the problem:

  • Turn networking off in a VM (usually bottom right icon on display), or disconnect ethernet cable if running from an iso image, and turn off wireless on the computer.
  • type http://localhost:5000 into a firefox browser. The mapfish application should come up when this problem is fixed.

=== Manual fix:

  • Type about:config as the URL into firefox. Select "I'll be careful"
  • You should see a list of config options
  • Select "browser.offline-apps.notify" to set it to false.
#477 fixed Add symbolic link to data directory from /home/user live-demo@… camerons

We should have a symbolic link from the home directory to the data directories. Ie:

cd /home/user ln -s /usr/local/share data

#478 fixed deegree start user confusion jmays wildintellect

deegree for some reason didn't like launching without sudo privaleges. However when run this way firefox is launched as a different user than the regular user and will fail if already open.

Quick hack last line of was to add

sudo -u user firefox ...

This is not a permanent solution as that script appears to come from deegree packages.

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.