Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#463 duplicate Nice boot screen with Language option live-demo@… wildintellect

The current remastersys option has a very plain text based load screen on boot, with no language or keyboard selection. This would be a nice feature to add when we figure out the best way to do it.

#464 wontfix set startup sound to be a Kookaburra call live-demo@… hamish

if sticking with the Arramagong theme in future it would be nice to grab some audio of a Kookaburra call and set it as the desktop startup sound.

#465 fixed rename desktop Install icon to something ubuntu specific live-demo@… hamish

Considering all the installers we have floating around a user may become easily confused as to the meaning of the Install button on the desktop. Hopefully they stop before reformatting their hard drive, but it could be a good way to permanently harm the user's experience.

an attempt is made in r2382, but that may need to happen later in the build process though; not sure.

also the existing solution does bad things to non-english translations with the same root, perhaps better to use a stricter s/=Install$/.../


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