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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#450 fixed Some install scripts for LiveDVD beta2 are outdated live-demo@… klokan

I was reviewing the "build log" of LiveDVD beta2. It seems that some of the install scripts which are used to build the VM are not upgraded from SVN to the latest version. Please sync with SVN before building next version of the LiveDVD virtual machine!

I see that the is in the obsolete version, because it fails with an error message, which is not anymore in the source code of the script - you have used probably revision r1968 from date 2009-09-13. Latest version is r2107 from 2009-09-17. The latest version should run without problems.

#451 worksforme Beta2 doesn't boot live-demo@… wildintellect

The beta 2 iso doesn't boot. Unable to find kernel:linux

We might want to use the remastersys method since that seems to result in bootable media and would ensure we have a vm image to publish that's identical. See

#452 fixed tilelite prompts user when run a 2nd time springmeyer camerons

If the /tmp/ directory has already been populated (as happens when you run a script for the second time), the tilelite script will ask for the user to confirm to replace files or not.

This shouldn't happen as we wish to make the install process as automated as possible.

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