Custom Query (45 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1978 Mapbender3 access rights for files are not right - user is set to 1000 instead of user astrid_emde defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#1455 python rasterio requirements not met darkblueb defect normal OSGeoLive8.5 OSGeoLive
#1439 include pywps in nightly builds kalxas task major OSGeoLive9.5 OSGeoLive
#693 gdal quickstart includes openev but 4.5 beta 3 does not live-demo@… defect trivial OSGeoLive
#764 rasdaman icons not in pull down menu, or in /home/user/Desktop/Databases live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive
#791 52N WSS doesn't have a stop icon live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive
#823 ushahidi overview page is missing live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive
#967 gdebi removal at some point causes several applications not to get installed live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive6.0RC1 OSGeoLive
#984 chroot build method: openjump fails to install live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive6.0RC1 OSGeoLive
#1048 apache ok? live-demo@… task major OSGeoLive
#1103 Some overviewes translated into Spanish with typing errors live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive8.0 OSGeoLive
#1119 Broken Link: OSGeo-Live applications Presentation live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive
#1167 Retire MapTiler live-demo@… task major OSGeoLive7.0 OSGeoLive
#1217 Out of sync translations missing renamed image links live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive8.0 OSGeoLive
#1229 OSSIM: Can't find cape_cod dataset reference in Quickstart live-demo@… task minor OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1272 PostGIS package built with libgdal1h live-demo@… enhancement major OSGeoLive
#1388 GeoServer can't be started live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive8.0 OSGeoLive
#1441 R does not appear in Geospatial menu live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive8.5 OSGeoLive
#1452 OpenJUMP fails to install due to SF failure live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive8.5 OSGeoLive
#1468 ipython notebook doesn't start live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive8.5 OSGeoLive
#1643 JOSM reports an error on start live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive9.5 OSGeoLive
#1743 Ossimplanet Quickstart needs updating live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1779 Checksum mismatch on sourceforge (VM image) live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive
#1885 JOSM fails to open featured city local data live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1956 QGis Config Changes live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1957 QGIS quickstart : incorrect dataset live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1962 mapnik docs page not retired live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1968 GeoNode pycsw endpoint version mismatch live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive
#2092 Documentation landing page only available in English osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2120 EoXServer fails to start osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2130 python networkx missing shortest_paths osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 OSGeoLive
#2155 data file missing from recent 52nWPS osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2162 test osgeolive@… defect trivial OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2164 rasdaman demo page not working osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2167 WMS URL not valid in UDig quickstart osgeolive@… task minor Documentation
#2168 geonode WSGI takes port 80 root osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2180 "osgeo" user instead of "user" in the vmdk osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2312 apt upgrade is broken osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2321 update jupyter notebook quickstart as notebooks changed osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive15.0 OSGeoLive
#2324 sqlite quickstart causes an error at 6. osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2327 GeoServer sample data is missing and Admin GeoServer show GeoWebCache landing page osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2362 libssl versions osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 OSGeoLive
#2381 PDAL linkage shows version warnings osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive16.0 OSGeoLive
#2414 python3-django check depends osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive16.0 OSGeoLive
#2497 Missing Re3gistry desktop scripts osgeolive@… task major OSGeoLive17.0 OSGeoLive
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.