Custom Query (922 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 922)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1712 MapSlicer packages missing from Xenial live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1713 GeoMajas installer still asks for tomcat7 live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1714 Docs missing from the build live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1715 Tomcat 8 unresponcive when started - out of memory live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1716 MapBender fails to start on Xenial kalxas defect blocker OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1717 GeoMoose fails to start in Xenial due to PHP7 (due to no MapScript) live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1718 Cartaro ppa not provided for Xenial phaf defect major OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1719 Ushahidi reports errors on setup live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1720 R modules need rebuild for Xenial live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1721 Rasdaman installer asks for tomcat7, should switch to tomcat8 live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1722 GeoNode packages missing for Xenial kalxas defect blocker OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1730 pyWPS executes out of /etc live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1731 pywps: Execute request fails ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower') live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1737 TileStache default preview not working live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1740 QGIS_GRASS unable to make mapset element in QGIS quickstart live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1750 shp2pgsql-gui missing from the latest builds live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1751 Mapnik python demo error live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1760 GMT quickstart hopelessly outdated live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1761 Xenial version of usb-creator fails to create a live usb key live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1762 ossim profile not properly setup live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1765 Desktop image attribution live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive10.0 OSGeoLive
#1831 hybridiso breaks i386 build live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1850 ZOO-Project-1.6.0 live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1851 rasdaman installer fails due to permission error live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1879 OTB launcher not listing applications live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1884 Java World Wind missing from latest builds live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1887 Update ZOO-Project quickstart to match with recent demo updates live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1894 GMT quickstart doesn't follow quickstart format live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1897 QGIS crashes kalxas defect blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1898 Cesium - some layers not visible from quickstart description live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1904 Update GeoMoose to version 2.9.3 live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive
#1921 Live 10.5: QGIS-GRASS broken in Processing due to missing link live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1933 GDAL error message after 2.2.0 transition live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1935 52nSOS build failure ehjuerrens defect critical OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1936 OpenJUMP installer fails for the new 1.11 version live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1941 Missing R packages live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1947 istSOS Quickstart not working live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1948 contact page gname link for livedemo is not working live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1952 GRASS Opacity dialog box too small live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1953 uDig installer leaves a __MACOSX dir in /usr/lib kalaxas defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1954 Cesium 1.34 Install seems to fail? live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1965 ipywidgets unresolved? live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1974 Unused welcome_message.txt ? live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive
#1995 Resize of VM window fails live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1997 osgeolive-docs deb update live-demo@… defect normal Unplanned Documentation
#2042 OSGeo presentation not included in documentation yet live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 Documentation
#2050 Incubation Provenance Review: Jupyter data folder includes Javascript and Python code without a license live-demo@… defect critical Unplanned OSGeoLive
#2052 Incubation Provenance Review: GeoNetwork start and stop scripts need a license live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive
#2053 Incubation Provenance Review: PostGIS data folder includes SQL code without a license live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive
#2060 DNS configuration problems osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2062 Move SAGA data to common data folder osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2063 ZOO Project package missing from Bionic osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2064 OpenCPN packages missing from Bionic osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2065 Django 1.8.x is needed for current GeoNode and EOxServer releases osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2067 Mapbender installer has to be configured for PHP7 in Bionic osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2068 Error caused by libgdal-grass version in Bionic osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2070 VM Crash on Startup osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2071 SciTools IRIS 2.10 missing from Python3 osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2074 blue screen xorg error: problems when starting Lubuntu 18.4. or OSGeoLive 12 alpha1 with virtual box osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2080 SciTools Iris time_axis osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2083 cartopy data and version osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2084 No datasets found in ncWMS demo osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2085 QGIS - can't find GRASS data osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2086 PostGIS Quickstart - can't find sids.shp osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2089 Enable more languages in debian builds osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 Documentation
#2093 Rasdaman server fails to start osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2094 Databases geospatial menu group needs an icon osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2095 Remove Crisis Management desktop folder if empty osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2096 Tilestache fails to start osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2105 Grass screenshot link is not working osgeolive@… defect minor OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2106 Ubuntu 18.04 user guide not available in pdf form osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2110 SAGA Install Defects osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2113 GeoNode Quickstart fails kalxas defect major OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2114 EoXServer doc link incorrect osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2115 root directory shows python-django osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2116 Workshop shortcut points to outdated link osgeolive@… defect minor OSGeoLive
#2117 python django shows conf error osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2121 deegree is missing in contents page osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2125 problem with OSGeo Live 12 startup osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive
#2126 User "user" not in group "users" on OSGeoLive vmdk osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2131 python rtree and libspatialindex_c missing osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2133 Update GeoNode to 2.10.x osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2139 EOxServer WebClient not showing imagery available osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2140 pycsw tester application not working properly osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2141 QGIS configuration not yet ported from 2.8.x astrid_emde defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2142 rasdaman missing from 13.0 nightly builds osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2144 ZOO-Project demo throws 400 errors osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2145 R Jupyter demo errors osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive16.0 OSGeoLive
#2147 Documentation version number points to 12.0 osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 Documentation
#2150 actinia startup error osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2154 GeoMoose website is down osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2160 missing pgRouting DBB osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2163 openlayers_quickstart fails osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2171 otb Monteverdi crashes on image open osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 OSGeoLive
#2172 Download URL pointing to wrong folder osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive13.0 Documentation
#2174 RC1 iso not booting properly under VirtualBox osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2175 CJK Fonts missing osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2181 GRASS freezes when using r.import on file without projection osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2185 OSGeoLive 13.0 heading in docs say 12.0 osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 Documentation
#2187 Update the GPSPrune Quick Start osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive14.0 Documentation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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