Custom Query (922 matches)


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Results (901 - 922 of 922)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1891 update OSGeo sponsors page astrid_emde task blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1892 Cleanup/update OSGeoLive sponsors astrid_emde task blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1893 create 10.5 ppa kalxas task blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1897 QGIS crashes kalxas defect blocker OSGeoLive10.5 OSGeoLive
#1944 Align sponsors page with recent changes to OSGeo sponsorship. live-demo@… task blocker OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#1958 artwork for 11.0 live-demo@… task blocker OSGeoLive11.0 OSGeoLive
#2060 DNS configuration problems osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2100 Rebase iso to Lubuntu 18.04.2 kalxas task blocker OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2108 Update Welcome.txt message osgeolive@… task blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2109 Update presentation for 12.0 bakaniko task blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2121 deegree is missing in contents page osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive12.0 OSGeoLive
#2147 Documentation version number points to 12.0 osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 Documentation
#2174 RC1 iso not booting properly under VirtualBox osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2175 CJK Fonts missing osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 OSGeoLive
#2249 initrd customization fails in Ubuntu 20.04 kalxas defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2259 tomcat9 dead at startup osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2263 VirtualBox installation fails osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2302 modify the documentation zyGrib is now XyGrib kalxas task blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2303 documentation: update screenshots for postgis overview/quickstart to pgAdmin4 astrid_emde task blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2329 Latest MapServer patch breaks GeoMoose osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2331 click on desktop icon Sample Data runs into error and does not open the folder osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 OSGeoLive
#2401 ETF not deployed due to ETS download not present osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive15.0 OSGeoLive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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