Custom query (1090 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 1090)


52N WSS has a start icon that can be selected, but not a stop. Can a stop be created, such that it will free up memory for other apps to run.


On 31 August, the Mapfish project completed incubation, so we should update the Project Overview accordingly. (In needs the icon "Project in Incubation" changed to "Incubated Project").


I am making a batch of LiveUSB disks created with Unetbootin and using the "persistence" option. I have found that I get file system corruption when using the Desktop osgeo-halt icon to shutdown immediately after saving a new file. If I wait a few moments (> 1 min) this does not occur. If I shutdown using the usual shutdown in the top panel (under User's name) and *wait for the 30 sec timeout*, the file system stays intact. But using the Desktop shutdown icon, whatever directory I saved a file in becomes inaccessible on the next boot.

-- Micha

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.