Custom query (1090 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 1090)


In the generated docs the "Contents" are listed in a really bizarre order that doesn't really make any sense. Looking at the install script it is based on whatever the order in browser:/install_list.txt has. If we want to group based on type of application or some other method I think the script should insert section headers <h2> tags between groups and we should create a sub-navigation at the top. Otherwise is there a way to sort this list so it is at least in alphabetical order. Each Group should be alphabetized anyways.


Hi I went through a geokettle tutorial using the livedvd but found that the geospatial types/transformers didn't seem to be loaded correctly by default. Not sure if anyone can help with this, or if it's normal, but thought I'd mention it at least since it was a showstopper for the tutorial at least.


MapFish currently accesses a basemap from the web (OSM?). Our aim for OSGeoLive is that all applications should work without connecting to the internet.

Can we set up MapFish to access a local basemap instead?

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.