Custom Query (1119 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 1119)


Tested in OSGeo-Live 6.5beta1: Spatialite-gis is not selectable from the database directory on the desktop, or from the geospatial->database-> osgeolive menu.

I believe it should be, as it is currently mentioned in the spatialite quickstart. (A workaround is to comment out of the quickstart).

(Note, we can select spatialite-gis which is probably a more important app)


Internal to the Kosmo app, there is a Java Topology Suite .jar that is substantially older than the current JTS 1.12. Since JTS is a fundamental library, a better configuration would somehow make use of JTS 1.12


The next three overviewes, commited in changeset 9768, have typing errors:

  • postgis_overview.rst
  • pgrouting_overview.rst
  • pycsw_overview.rst

For instance, it should be "información geográfica" instead of "informaci?n geogr?afica" in postgis_overview.rst. Probably it is due to enconding issues.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.