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5.0rc2 ISO.

as reported by others, and I see it too, when you boot using the ISO it seems impossible to log out.

the first time you click on "are you sure you want to log out?" it seems to do nothing. the second time you try you get this error message:

Failed to log out.
Session manager must be in idle state
when requesting a shutdown

I haven't experienced this in the VM.7zip version. (although technically I am running the ISO in a VM, but I think others reported it once the ISO was installed onto a USB drive & booted natively)

if I look at ps fax | less I can see [xfce4-session] <defunct>


  • it's a read-only file system & you can't hurt it: just power off the PC and all will be ok in the morning. (maybe not so healthy for a USB install)
  • killall xfce4-session : takes you back to the login screen
  • sudo poweroff : shuts down the disc

hmm, I was thinking it might be molly-guard, but that package isn't installed.

this seems to work on a stock xubuntu CD, even if I remove the indicator-messages package.

?, Hamish


During the run up the the latest release; one of the only ways to make progress was to watch people on IRC manually go through the ISO contents and type "ls -a" in each directory.

With that in mind I would like to propose a "regression test" for the osgeo live project. This is based on the cheap and easy way of making regression tests used for Java projects (where you take all the test logs into a single file; and then do a diff from the previous nightly build; and email the diff to the developers list).

Note this is a proper regression test - it does not detect failure - only changes. Even if you just ignore the emails and sort them into a folder - you can still sift through the emails at a later date in order to sort out exactly when things changed.

So here is the plan:

1) do we have a nightly or weekly build resulting in an ISO? 2) write a script to mount the ISO; and perform an "ls -a -R > osgeolive20110923.txt" 3) continue the script to perform a diff between todays contents; and the day before 4) email the diff to the developer list



whatnick noticed that SensorML is listed twice in standards.rst.

that attached patch fixes it.


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