Custom query (1088 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 1088)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1388 live-demo@… sanak invalid GeoServer can't be started

I confirmed it as follows.

  1. Select [Start Menu] / [Geospatial] / [Web Services] / [Start GeoServer] menu.
  2. Wait for a progress dialog.
  3. Click [OK] button on "Information" message box.
  4. Browser(Firefox) is launched with the following address, but returns "HTTP ERROR: 404 NOT_FOUND RequestURI=/geoserver/web" as body contents.


#1389 live-demo@… hamish fixed deegree starts firefox in sudo, taking ownership of .mozilla profile


the degree start icon runs ~/bin/, which stars the server in sudo.

the script then starts 'firefox -new-tab', as root, which has a couple effects:

  • if firefox is already running, you get an error that it it's already running.
  • if firefox wasn't already running, it starts, but then root owns various profile files in ~user/.mozilla/, and the regular user can no longer start firefox.

Shame on firefox for writing root's stuff to ~user/ and not /root/.mozilla, maybe the work-around is to edit to "sudo -u user" firefox? seems a bit like going in circles.

thanks, Hamish

ps- "export FOO=bar" is a bashism, should replace with "FOO=bar; export FOO"

#1394 live-demo@… hamish fixed uDig: fails to start on first launch


the first time you start udig it errors out with a JRE fault some time after the splash screen and WKT terms are printed to the terminal.

the second time you start it things are ok.

run "udig" from the terminal to see the output.


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