= Making a Python 2.7 package for OSGeo4W = ''Recipe for building a python package.'' Open a command shell and {{{ set vv=27 set ver=2.7.2 set ver-pkg=%ver%-1 :: install py27 from standard 32bit msi installer to Current User[*] wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/%ver%/python-%ver%.msi start python-%ver%.msi pushd d:\o4w-packages\python mkdir python-%ver% cd python-%ver% mkdir apps bin etc :: Add batch files for `etc\ini`, `etc\postinstall`, & `bin` from skeleton xcopy /s ..\python-skeleton\* .\ }}} Manually compare c:\python27 to previous o4w python installs, then reflect the structure {{{ xcopy /s c:\python%vv% apps\Python%vv% move apps\Python%vv%\*.exe bin\ move apps\Python%vv%\*.dll bin\ }}} Now create the package archive {{{ rem 7z a -ttar ..\python-%ver-pkg%.tar apps bin etc rem 7z a -tbzip2 -mx9 -mmt=on ..\python-%ver-pkg%.tar.bz2 ..\python-%ver-pkg%.tar %osgeo4w_root%\apps\msys\bin\tar.exe cvjf ../python-%ver-pkg%.tar.bz2 apps bin etc }}} == Notes == When python is installed for ''All Users'' the pythonxx.dll will go to `%windir%\System32`, while with ''Current User'' it will be in the same dir as python.exe. Until #101 is fixed again, use tar from msys package instead of 7zip (with msys fore instead of backslash is important).