Change History for pkg-python/Python27

Version Date Author Comment
13 12 years maphew update for core, help, wrapper triad version of packaging
12 12 years maphew
11 12 years maphew note re: default location of pythonxx.dll
10 12 years maphew whups, py*.dll does need to be in bin
9 12 years maphew tar req's foreslash instead of backslash
8 12 years maphew use tar instead of 7zip until #101 fixed
7 12 years maphew remove copy python27.dll step, py2.7.2 seems to install into …
6 12 years maphew
5 12 years maphew make version independent; move manual steps out of code block
4 12 years maphew note re: adding batch files
3 13 years maphew
2 13 years maphew
1 13 years maphew