[[TOC]] = msys = * MSYS - '''Minimal SYStem''' - provides Windows ports of a lightweight Unix-like shell environment * Current Version: 1.0.18 * `msys`: http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/x86/release/msys (32bit) or http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/x86_64/release/msys (64bit) * Initial packaged for GRASS by jef * Maintainer: [wiki:MartinLanda Martin Landa] === Major changes === * 1.0.11-11: added 'zip' package * 1.0.11-12: fix dependencies for 'zip' package * 1.0.18-1: new installation via MinGW installer * 1.0.18-4: added 'unzip' package * 1.0.18-5: move GRASS dependecies to [wiki:pkg-grass#Package:msys-grass msys-grass] === Open Tickets === [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&keywords~=msys&order=priority)]] === Closed Tickets === [[TicketQuery(status=closed&keywords~=msys&order=priority)]] == Packaging notes (`msys` and `mingw` package) == === Install MinGW === Only needed for building GRASS, http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/x86/release/mingw (32bit) or http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/x86_64/release/mingw (64bit) 1. Download [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/latest/download latest installer]. 2. Choose ''MSYS Base System'' (`msys` package) + ''C & C++ Compiler'', ''MSYS Base System'' and ''MinGW Developer Toolkit'' (`mingw` package only). 3. Install MinGW (including MSYS) into `C:\MinGW`. 4. Modify `C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat` {{{ --- msys.bat 2009-07-11 18:34:35 +0000 +++ apps/msys/msys.bat 2012-02-09 18:03:45 +0000 @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ rem A value similar to C:\msys\1.0\bin is what the "Start in:" field needs rem to represent. +call "%~dp0\..\..\bin\o4w_env.bat" + rem ember value of GOTO: is used to know recursion has happened. if "%1" == "GOTO:" goto %2 }}} 5. Modify `C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\fstab` {{{ --- apps/msys/etc/fstab.sample 2009-07-11 18:34:34 +0000 +++ apps/msys/etc/fstab 2012-02-09 16:11:26 +0000 @@ -13,5 +13,4 @@ -C:\MinGW\ /mingw +@osgeo4w@ /osgeo4w }}} 6. Move `C:\MinGW\msys\1.0` to `C:\MinGW\apps\msys` 7. Remove `C:\MinGW\unins000.*` files 8. Remove `C:\MinGW\apps\msys\bin\pwd.exe` 9. Remove `C:\MinGW\bin\libintl-8.dll` (`mingw` package only) === Add etc scripts === 1. Create `C:\MinGW\etc\ini` and save `msys.bat` into this directory {{{ PATH %PATH%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\bin if not defined HOME set HOME=%USERPROFILE% }}} 2. Create `C:\MinGW\etc\postinstall` and save `msys.bat` into this directory {{{ mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%\MSYS Shell.lnk" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\msys.bat" " " \ "Minimal SYStem" 7 "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\msys.ico" xxmklink "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\MSYS Shell.lnk" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\msys.bat" " " \ "Minimal SYStem" 7 "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\msys.ico" textreplace -std -t apps/msys/etc/fstab }}}