= GRASS GIS = Version: 6.4.0RC2 == User Notes == * A command line and GUI desktop raster/vector GIS system. * http://grass.osgeo.org/ * Details on WinGRASS at: http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WinGRASS_Current_Status * Current packaging should be considered a preliminary proof-of-concept. * Default install includes only the curses interfaces. You can install the wxpython and/or tcltk package to get the other GUI interfaces. Installation: * OSGeo4W has two modes - express and advanced. * "Express" gives you a short list of suggested packages to select from which have been widely tested. *"Advanced" gives a long detailed list of packages and subpackages including development versions and so forth. * For the moment GRASS is available in the "advanced" install. After a period of testing it may be moved to the "express" section. The application can be run through: * its executable ''osgeo4w''\apps\grass-6.4.X\bin\grass64.bat * a desktop shortcut * a menu shortcut * on the osgeo4w shell through the grass64.bat == Packager Notes == * Compile guide used: http://www.webalice.it/marco.pasetti/grass/BuildFromSource.html (requires updates, better move here) * Depends on the MSYS package for command line operations, because GRASS 6 uses unix shell scripts (GRASS 7 uses Python) * WinGRASS is built with MSYS/MinGW. The libraries used to link to the VC++ built GDAL & friends is in the mingw-libs package. * There is also a grass-vc package, that contains the VC++ built GRASS libraries. These are used in the Quantum GIS GRASS plugin. * Release tree: http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/release/grass/ (the installer selects the package with highest version number) * Maintainer is JuergenFischer (seeking new package maintainer)