= gdal-ecw = * Plugin for ECW and JPEG2000 Raster Formats. * Requires gdal * Includes bug fix for [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2320 GDAL ticket 2320] so that both ECW and JP2ECW drivers are registered. * Maintainer is FrankWarmerdam. == Installing ECW SDK == The GDAL ECW Plugin requires the ECW 3.3 Runtime libraries which the end user is required to download and install directly from the Erdas Web Site directly. Erdas Web Site: http://www.erdas.com/Products/ERDASProductInformation/tabid/84/currentid/1142/default.aspx After installation, please copy the .dll files in the redistributable\vc71 directory somewhere appropriate, like C:\windows\system32. eg. {{{ copy C:\"Program Files"\"Earth Resource Mapping"\"ECW SDK"\redistributable\vc71\*.dll C:\windows\system32 }}} Note that downloading and installing these DLLs requires agreeing to a license. Please review the license terms carefully. It is imperative that the VC7.1 ECW 3.3 SDK binaries be used. Any other ECW (NCS*) DLLs are unlikely to work properly. Failure to install the correct ECW libraries will normally result in a popup message reading "This application has failed to start because NCSEcw.dll was not found." or a console error report like: {{{ C:\warmerda>gdalinfo ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: C:\osgeo4w\bin\gdalplugins\gdal_ECW.dll 126: The specified module could not be found. ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: C:\osgeo4w\bin\gdalplugins\gdal_ECW.dll 126: The specified module could not be found. Usage: gdalinfo [--help-general] [-mm] [-stats] [-nogcp] [-nomd] [-noct] [-checksum] [-mdd domain]* datasetname }}}