Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of TracNotification
- Timestamp:
- 09/05/24 07:04:09 (6 months ago)
- Unmodified
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v5 v6 20 20 Alternatively, a default domain name ('''`smtp_default_domain`''') can be set in the TracIni file, see [#ConfigurationOptions Configuration Options] below. In this case, the default domain will be appended to the username, which can be useful for an "Intranet" kind of installation. 21 21 22 When using apache and mod_kerb for authentication against Kerberos / Active Directory, usernames take the form ('''`username@EXAMPLE.LOCAL`'''). To avoid this being interpreted as an email address, add the Kerberos domain to 22 When using apache and mod_kerb for authentication against Kerberos / Active Directory, usernames take the form ('''`username@EXAMPLE.LOCAL`'''). To avoid this being interpreted as an email address, add the Kerberos domain to ('''`ignore_domains`'''). 23 23 24 24 === Ticket attachment notifications … … 73 73 The following attributes of default subscriptions can be configured: 74 74 * `.distributor` (Default: `email`) 75 * Other values require plugins. For example `on-site` requires th:OnSiteNotificationsPlugin.75 * Other values require plugins. For example `on-site` requires [ OnSiteNotificationsPlugin]. 76 76 * `.priority` (Default: `100`) 77 77 * Smaller values override larger values. … … 80 80 * `never` can be used to silence other subscription rules with higher values. 81 81 * `.format` (Default: `text/plain`) 82 * Other values require plugins. For example `text/html` requires th:TracHtmlNotificationPlugin.82 * Other values require plugins. For example `text/html` requires [ TracHtmlNotificationPlugin]. 83 83 84 84 === Example Configuration (default subscriptions) 85 86 This example implements the often desired 87 //Never Notify Updater// behavior by setting 88 the priority of that rule to the highest value, 89 thereby taking precedence over other rules. 90 85 91 {{{#!ini 86 92 [notification-subscriber] … … 203 209 Notification errors are not always reported through the web interface, so the user who submits a change or creates a ticket may not get notified about a notification failure. The Trac administrator needs to look at the log to find the error message and traceback. 204 210 205 === ''Permission denied''error211 === Permission denied error 206 212 207 213 Typical error message: … … 234 240 }}} 235 241 236 === ''Suspected spam''error242 === Suspected spam error 237 243 238 244 Some SMTP servers may reject the notification email sent by Trac. … … 241 247 242 248 Quoted printable encoding works better with languages that use one of the Latin charsets. For Asian charsets, stick with the Base64 encoding. 249 250 === Emails not sent 251 252 If you are switching back to using Trac to send emails from, say, the [ AnnouncerPlugin], be sure to enable `EmailDistributor` in your Trac configuration. It may have been disabled when using an email plugin. There may be no message in the Trac log when all is good to go, but the actual sending is disabled. 243 253 244 254 ----