= GDAL/OGR 1.6 Python Bindings and Scripts = * Bindings are provided as modules osgeo.gdal, osgeo.ogr, and osgeo.osr. * The bindings include numpy support, and are the GDAL/OGR "next generation" (modern) bindings. * More info at: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrInPython * Installed in ''osgeo4w''\apps\gdal-16\pymod * It is necessary to run the '''gdal16.bat''' script to prepare the environment to use this version of the bindings in an OSGeo4W Shell. * The standard scripts, like rgb2pct.py, are placed in ''osgeo4w''\apps\gdal-16\bin and include .bat wrapper scripts. So, for instance, rgb2pct.py should be involved as "rgb2pct" at the commandline. * Maintained by FrankWarmerdam. [wiki:OSGeo4W_jp/PackageListing 戻る]