
Version 9 (modified by steve, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Add tests for recreate setup.ini file

1. Adding license in Server

Add a file with License Terms

Each package directory has many files like setup.hint file (which normally contains the short and long description for the package and other important things), the package tar file. First in order to add a license file for an especific package, you need to create a .txt license file in its directory package on server, for example:

    svn   # log in into server 

    # if gdal-ecw package has non-open source license go there.

    cd osgeo/download/osgeo4w/release/gdal/gdal-ecw

    touch gdal-ecw-1.9.1-0.txt        # you need to create a .txt license file.

    echo "some terms of the restrictive package" > gdal-ecw-1.9.1-0.txt

Generate the Setup.ini file

The OSGeo4w Setup.exe downloads the setup.ini file with a list of all packages each time when it is run. This file should be recreated on the server by running the script invoking on the web each time packages are uploaded. You need to recreate the setup.ini in order to update it with all entries for each non-open source packages, thus:

   # go to main directory of osgeo4w, there is a script called
   ./   # it will run perl script genini
   # Now you can see the setup.ini file with license entry for each restrictive package   

2. Steps for Testing extend Features of OSGeo4W

  • Before you follow this steps you should do all configurations and build the setup.exe at
  • Choose the next option with new feature: Advance Install > Install from internet > Root Directory > Local package directory > Direct connection
  • Choose a restrictive package for example 'gdal-mrsid' or 'gdal-ecw' or both(remember if you want to see its license, you must have create it in step one) and choose another normal package for example: 'gdal-java'.
  • Setup will download the license file from remote server into your local directory "Local Package Directory" , you can see it if you want.
  • Next step setup.exe will load the file license into a window dialog, with its terms, and If you agree you can continue.
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