
Version 4 (modified by steve, 12 years ago) ( diff )


1. Adding license in Server Side :

  • In order to add a license for a especific package, you need to create a .txt license file under path of a directory of package on server, for example:
     svn   # log in into server
     cd osgeo/download/osgeo4w/release/gdal/gdal-ecw
     touch gdal-ecw-1.9.1-0.txt        # you need to create a .txt license file
     echo "some terms of the restrictive package"

2. Steps for Testing extend Features of OSGeo4W :

  • Before you follow this steps you should do all configurations and build the setup.exe at
  • make the following:
      Download "setup.override.ini"  file  from [] in the root of your local directory 'C:\' 
      ./setup.exe  # run it.
  • Choose the next option: Advance Install > Install from internet > Root Directory > Local package directory > Direct connection
  • Choose a restrictive package for example 'gdal-mrsid' or 'gdal-ecw' or both, you should to choose these because I just created a file for each one in '' server. If you choose another restrictive package setup.exe will raise an error, and choose another normal package for example: 'gdal-java'.
  • Setup will download the license file from remote server into your local directory "Local Package Directory" , you can see it if you want.
  • Next step setup.exe will load the file license into a window and it will show you.
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