Opened 2 days ago

Last modified 2 days ago

#874 new enhancement

Add Enchant C-library to OSGEO4W

Reported by: seewhy Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: normal Component: Package
Version: Keywords:


Further to trying to solve a QGIS issue, I would like to request packaging of Enchant libraries within OSGEO4W so that it is possible to load pyenchant within QGIS.

Currently pyenchant packages the libraries within its Windows version, but it is possible to install the package without the wheel binaries. Enchant looks in the system path if it can't find those binaries, so would presumably load them if included within the QGIS installation?

Current pyenchant libraries conflict with GRASS (using older dlls), so if the packaging was done centrally I assume that this issue would be bypassed?

Please see: and

Pyenchant can be installed using MINGW so I assume it can be packaged so that it does not conflict with other elements:

Happy to help but don't know where to start...

Change History (1)

comment:1 by jef, 2 days ago

What needs pyenchant?

Does pyenchant support python 3.12?

It apparently needs libenchant, which needs (also not packages) glib and one or several spellchecking engines + dictionaries?

Version 0, edited 2 days ago by jef (next)
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