Change History (10)
comment:1 by , 3 years ago
follow-up: 3 comment:2 by , 3 years ago
Thanks for looking at this.
Actually in some cases the crash only happens when the GDAL/OGR tries to retrieve the features from the layer (see
Could you please try if in your system also the following command (without "-so"):
ogrinfo out_SNAPPY.parquet out_SNAPPY --debug ON
terminates properly listing all the features and if QGIS doesn't crash opening the out_SNAPPY.parquet layer?
comment:3 by , 3 years ago
Replying to jef:
Not reproducable here. Are you seing invalid instructions in eventlog?
Replying to andreaerdna:
Could you please try if in your system also the following command (without "-so"): terminates properly listing all the features and if QGIS doesn't crash opening the out_SNAPPY.parquet layer?
apparently works fine.
C:\OSGeo4W> ogrinfo out_SNAPPY.parquet out_SNAPPY --debug on & echo %errorlevel% GDAL: Auto register C:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal\lib\gdalplugins\gdal_ECW_JP2ECW.dll using GDALRegister_ECW_JP2ECW. GDAL: Auto register C:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal\lib\gdalplugins\gdal_GEOR.dll using GDALRegister_GEOR. GDAL: Auto register C:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal\lib\gdalplugins\gdal_HDF5.dll using GDALRegister_HDF5. GDAL: Auto register C:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal\lib\gdalplugins\gdal_MrSID.dll using GDALRegister_MrSID. GDAL: Auto register C:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal\lib\gdalplugins\ogr_OCI.dll using RegisterOGROCI. GDAL: Auto register C:\OSGeo4W\apps\gdal\lib\gdalplugins\ogr_SOSI.dll using RegisterOGRSOSI. PARQUET: geo = {"version":"0.4.0","primary_column":"geometry","columns":{"geometry":{"encoding":"WKB","bbox":[0.0,2.0,4.0,2.0],"orientation":"counterclockwise","geometry_type":"Point"}}} PARQUET: gdal:schema = {"columns":{"boolean":{"type":"Integer","subtype":"Boolean"},"uint8":{"type":"Integer"},"int8":{"type":"Integer"},"uint16":{"type":"Integer"},"int16":{"type":"Integer","subtype":"Int16"},"uint32":{"type":"Integer64"},"int32":{"type":"Integer"},"uint64":{"type":"Real"},"int64":{"type":"Integer64"},"float32":{"type":"Real","subtype":"Float32"},"float64":{"type":"Real"},"string":{"type":"String"},"large_string":{"type":"String"},"timestamp_ms_gmt":{"type":"DateTime"},"timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2":{"type":"DateTime"},"timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215":{"type":"DateTime"},"timestamp_s_no_tz":{"type":"DateTime"},"time32_s":{"type":"Time"},"time32_ms":{"type":"Time"},"time64_us":{"type":"Integer64"},"time64_ns":{"type":"Integer64"},"date32":{"type":"Date"},"date64":{"type":"Date"},"binary":{"type":"Binary"},"large_binary":{"type":"Binary"},"fixed_size_binary":{"type":"Binary","width":2},"decimal128":{"type":"Real","width":7,"precision":3},"decimal256":{"type":"Real","width":7,"precision":3},"list_boolean":{"type":"IntegerList","subtype":"Boolean"},"list_uint8":{"type":"IntegerList"},"list_int8":{"type":"IntegerList"},"list_uint16":{"type":"IntegerList"},"list_int16":{"type":"IntegerList"},"list_uint32":{"type":"Integer64List"},"list_int32":{"type":"IntegerList"},"list_uint64":{"type":"RealList"},"list_int64":{"type":"Integer64List"},"list_float32":{"type":"RealList","subtype":"Float32"},"list_float64":{"type":"RealList"},"list_string":{"type":"StringList"},"fixed_size_list_boolean":{"type":"IntegerList","subtype":"Boolean"},"fixed_size_list_uint8":{"type":"IntegerList"},"fixed_size_list_int8":{"type":"IntegerList"},"fixed_size_list_uint16":{"type":"IntegerList"},"fixed_size_list_int16":{"type":"IntegerList"},"fixed_size_list_uint32":{"type":"Integer64List"},"fixed_size_list_int32":{"type":"IntegerList"},"fixed_size_list_uint64":{"type":"RealList"},"fixed_size_list_int64":{"type":"Integer64List"},"fixed_size_list_float32":{"type":"RealList","subtype":"Float32"},"fixed_size_list_float64":{"type":"RealList"},"fixed_size_list_string":{"type":"StringList"},"struct_field.a":{"type":"Integer64"},"struct_field.b":{"type":"Real"},"struct_field.c.d":{"type":"String"},"struct_field.c.f":{"type":"String"},"struct_field.h":{"type":"Integer64List"},"struct_field.i":{"type":"Integer64"},"map_boolean":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_uint8":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_int8":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_uint16":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_int16":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_uint32":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_int32":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_uint64":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_int64":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_float32":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_float64":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"map_string":{"type":"String","subtype":"JSON"},"dict":{"type":"Integer"}}} GDAL: GDALOpen(out_SNAPPY.parquet, this=00000211A70E3DA0) succeeds as Parquet. INFO: Open of `out_SNAPPY.parquet' using driver `Parquet' successful. Layer name: out_SNAPPY Geometry: Point Feature Count: 5 Extent: (0.000000, 2.000000) - (4.000000, 2.000000) Layer SRS WKT: GEOGCRS["WGS 84", ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble", MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"], MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"], ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], CS[ellipsoidal,2], AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north, ORDER[1], ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east, ORDER[2], ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], USAGE[ SCOPE["Horizontal component of 3D system."], AREA["World."], BBOX[-90,-180,90,180]], ID["EPSG",4326]] Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 2,1 Geometry Column = geometry boolean: Integer(Boolean) (0.0) uint8: Integer (0.0) int8: Integer (0.0) uint16: Integer (0.0) int16: Integer(Int16) (0.0) uint32: Integer64 (0.0) int32: Integer (0.0) uint64: Real (0.0) int64: Integer64 (0.0) float32: Real(Float32) (0.0) float64: Real (0.0) string: String (0.0) large_string: String (0.0) timestamp_ms_gmt: DateTime (0.0) timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2: DateTime (0.0) timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215: DateTime (0.0) timestamp_s_no_tz: DateTime (0.0) time32_s: Time (0.0) time32_ms: Time (0.0) time64_us: Integer64 (0.0) time64_ns: Integer64 (0.0) date32: Date (0.0) date64: Date (0.0) binary: Binary (0.0) large_binary: Binary (0.0) fixed_size_binary: Binary (2.0) decimal128: Real (7.3) decimal256: Real (7.3) list_boolean: IntegerList(Boolean) (0.0) list_uint8: IntegerList (0.0) list_int8: IntegerList (0.0) list_uint16: IntegerList (0.0) list_int16: IntegerList (0.0) list_uint32: Integer64List (0.0) list_int32: IntegerList (0.0) list_uint64: RealList (0.0) list_int64: Integer64List (0.0) list_float32: RealList(Float32) (0.0) list_float64: RealList (0.0) list_string: StringList (0.0) fixed_size_list_boolean: IntegerList(Boolean) (0.0) fixed_size_list_uint8: IntegerList (0.0) fixed_size_list_int8: IntegerList (0.0) fixed_size_list_uint16: IntegerList (0.0) fixed_size_list_int16: IntegerList (0.0) fixed_size_list_uint32: Integer64List (0.0) fixed_size_list_int32: IntegerList (0.0) fixed_size_list_uint64: RealList (0.0) fixed_size_list_int64: Integer64List (0.0) fixed_size_list_float32: RealList(Float32) (0.0) fixed_size_list_float64: RealList (0.0) fixed_size_list_string: StringList (0.0) struct_field.a: Integer64 (0.0) struct_field.b: Real (0.0) struct_field.c.d: String (0.0) struct_field.c.f: String (0.0) struct_field.h: Integer64List (0.0) struct_field.i: Integer64 (0.0) map_boolean: String(JSON) (0.0) map_uint8: String(JSON) (0.0) map_int8: String(JSON) (0.0) map_uint16: String(JSON) (0.0) map_int16: String(JSON) (0.0) map_uint32: String(JSON) (0.0) map_int32: String(JSON) (0.0) map_uint64: String(JSON) (0.0) map_int64: String(JSON) (0.0) map_float32: String(JSON) (0.0) map_float64: String(JSON) (0.0) map_string: String(JSON) (0.0) dict: Integer (0.0), domain name=dictDomain OGRFeature(out_SNAPPY):0 boolean (Integer(Boolean)) = 1 uint8 (Integer) = 1 int8 (Integer) = -2 uint16 (Integer) = 1 int16 (Integer(Int16)) = -20000 uint32 (Integer64) = 1 int32 (Integer) = -2000000000 uint64 (Real) = 1 int64 (Integer64) = -200000000000 float32 (Real(Float32)) = 1.5 float64 (Real) = 1.5 string (String) = abcd large_string (String) = abcd timestamp_ms_gmt (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+00 timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+02 timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00-0215 timestamp_s_no_tz (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00 time32_s (Time) = 01:02:03 time32_ms (Time) = 01:02:03.456 time64_us (Integer64) = 3723000000 time64_ns (Integer64) = 3723000000456 date32 (Date) = 1970/01/02 date64 (Date) = 1970/01/02 binary (Binary) = 0001 large_binary (Binary) = 0001 fixed_size_binary (Binary) = 0001 decimal128 (Real) = 1234.567 decimal256 (Real) = 1234.567 list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (0:) list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (0:) list_int8 (IntegerList) = (0:) list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (0:) list_int16 (IntegerList) = (0:) list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (0:) list_int32 (IntegerList) = (0:) list_uint64 (RealList) = (0:) list_int64 (Integer64List) = (0:) list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (0:) list_float64 (RealList) = (0:) list_string (StringList) = (0:) fixed_size_list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (2:1,0) fixed_size_list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_int8 (IntegerList) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_int16 (IntegerList) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_int32 (IntegerList) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_uint64 (RealList) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_int64 (Integer64List) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (2:0.0,nan) fixed_size_list_float64 (RealList) = (2:0,nan) fixed_size_list_string (StringList) = (2:a,b) struct_field.a (Integer64) = 1 struct_field.b (Real) = 2.5 struct_field.c.d (String) = e struct_field.c.f (String) = g struct_field.h (Integer64List) = (2:5,6) struct_field.i (Integer64) = 3 map_boolean (String(JSON)) = {"x":null,"y":true} map_uint8 (String(JSON)) = {"x":1,"y":null} map_int8 (String(JSON)) = {"x":1,"y":null} map_uint16 (String(JSON)) = {"x":1,"y":null} map_int16 (String(JSON)) = {"x":1,"y":null} map_uint32 (String(JSON)) = {"x":4000000000,"y":null} map_int32 (String(JSON)) = {"x":2000000000,"y":null} map_uint64 (String(JSON)) = {"x":4000000000000.0,"y":null} map_int64 (String(JSON)) = {"x":-2000000000000,"y":null} map_float32 (String(JSON)) = {"x":1.5,"y":null} map_float64 (String(JSON)) = {"x":1.5,"y":null} map_string (String(JSON)) = {"x":"x_val","y":null} dict (Integer) = 0 POINT (0 2) OGRFeature(out_SNAPPY):1 boolean (Integer(Boolean)) = 0 uint8 (Integer) = 2 int8 (Integer) = -1 uint16 (Integer) = 10001 int16 (Integer(Int16)) = -10000 uint32 (Integer64) = 1000000001 int32 (Integer) = -1000000000 uint64 (Real) = 100000000001 int64 (Integer64) = -100000000000 float32 (Real(Float32)) = 2.5 float64 (Real) = 2.5 string (String) = large_string (String) = timestamp_ms_gmt (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+00 timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+02 timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00-0215 timestamp_s_no_tz (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00 time32_s (Time) = (null) time32_ms (Time) = 00:00:00.002 time64_us (Integer64) = (null) time64_ns (Integer64) = 2 date32 (Date) = 1970/01/03 date64 (Date) = 1970/01/01 binary (Binary) = 0001 large_binary (Binary) = 0001 fixed_size_binary (Binary) = 0001 decimal128 (Real) = -1234.567 decimal256 (Real) = -1234.567 list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (1:0) list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (1:0) list_int8 (IntegerList) = (1:0) list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (1:0) list_int16 (IntegerList) = (1:0) list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (1:0) list_int32 (IntegerList) = (1:0) list_uint64 (RealList) = (1:0) list_int64 (Integer64List) = (1:0) list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (1:nan) list_float64 (RealList) = (1:nan) list_string (StringList) = (1:A) fixed_size_list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_int8 (IntegerList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_int16 (IntegerList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_int32 (IntegerList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_uint64 (RealList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_int64 (Integer64List) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (2:2.0,3.0) fixed_size_list_float64 (RealList) = (2:2,3) fixed_size_list_string (StringList) = (2:c,d) struct_field.a (Integer64) = 1 struct_field.b (Real) = 2.5 struct_field.c.d (String) = e struct_field.c.f (String) = g struct_field.h (Integer64List) = (2:5,6) struct_field.i (Integer64) = 3 map_boolean (String(JSON)) = {"z":true} map_uint8 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_int8 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_uint16 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_int16 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_uint32 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_int32 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_uint64 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3.0} map_int64 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3} map_float32 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3.0} map_float64 (String(JSON)) = {"z":3.0} map_string (String(JSON)) = {"z":"z_val"} dict (Integer) = 1 OGRFeature(out_SNAPPY):2 boolean (Integer(Boolean)) = (null) uint8 (Integer) = (null) int8 (Integer) = (null) uint16 (Integer) = (null) int16 (Integer(Int16)) = (null) uint32 (Integer64) = (null) int32 (Integer) = (null) uint64 (Real) = (null) int64 (Integer64) = (null) float32 (Real(Float32)) = (null) float64 (Real) = (null) string (String) = (null) large_string (String) = (null) timestamp_ms_gmt (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+00 timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+02 timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00-0215 timestamp_s_no_tz (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00 time32_s (Time) = 00:00:03 time32_ms (Time) = 00:00:00.003 time64_us (Integer64) = 3 time64_ns (Integer64) = 3 date32 (Date) = 1970/01/04 date64 (Date) = 1970/01/01 binary (Binary) = 0001 large_binary (Binary) = 0001 fixed_size_binary (Binary) = 0001 decimal128 (Real) = (null) decimal256 (Real) = (null) list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (null) list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (null) list_int8 (IntegerList) = (null) list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (null) list_int16 (IntegerList) = (null) list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (null) list_int32 (IntegerList) = (null) list_uint64 (RealList) = (null) list_int64 (Integer64List) = (null) list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (null) list_float64 (RealList) = (null) list_string (StringList) = (null) fixed_size_list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (2:1,0) fixed_size_list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_int8 (IntegerList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_int16 (IntegerList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_int32 (IntegerList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_uint64 (RealList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_int64 (Integer64List) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (2:4.0,5.0) fixed_size_list_float64 (RealList) = (2:4,5) fixed_size_list_string (StringList) = (2:e,f) struct_field.a (Integer64) = 1 struct_field.b (Real) = 2.5 struct_field.c.d (String) = e struct_field.c.f (String) = g struct_field.h (Integer64List) = (2:5,6) struct_field.i (Integer64) = 3 map_boolean (String(JSON)) = (null) map_uint8 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_int8 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_uint16 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_int16 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_uint32 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_int32 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_uint64 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_int64 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_float32 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_float64 (String(JSON)) = (null) map_string (String(JSON)) = (null) dict (Integer) = 2 POINT (2 2) OGRFeature(out_SNAPPY):3 boolean (Integer(Boolean)) = 0 uint8 (Integer) = 4 int8 (Integer) = 1 uint16 (Integer) = 30001 int16 (Integer(Int16)) = 10000 uint32 (Integer64) = 3000000001 int32 (Integer) = 1000000000 uint64 (Real) = 300000000001 int64 (Integer64) = 100000000000 float32 (Real(Float32)) = 4.5 float64 (Real) = 4.5 string (String) = c large_string (String) = c timestamp_ms_gmt (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+00 timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+02 timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00-0215 timestamp_s_no_tz (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00 time32_s (Time) = 00:00:04 time32_ms (Time) = 00:00:00.004 time64_us (Integer64) = 4 time64_ns (Integer64) = 4 date32 (Date) = 1970/01/05 date64 (Date) = 1970/01/01 binary (Binary) = 0001 large_binary (Binary) = 0001 fixed_size_binary (Binary) = 0001 decimal128 (Real) = 1234.567 decimal256 (Real) = 1234.567 list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (3:0,0,1) list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (3:0,4,5) list_int8 (IntegerList) = (3:0,4,5) list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (3:0,4,5) list_int16 (IntegerList) = (3:0,4,5) list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (3:0,4,5) list_int32 (IntegerList) = (3:0,4,5) list_uint64 (RealList) = (3:0,4,5) list_int64 (Integer64List) = (3:0,4,5) list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (3:nan,4.5,5.5) list_float64 (RealList) = (3:nan,4.5,5.5) list_string (StringList) = (3:A,BC,CDE) fixed_size_list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (2:0,1) fixed_size_list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_int8 (IntegerList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_int16 (IntegerList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_int32 (IntegerList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_uint64 (RealList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_int64 (Integer64List) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (2:6.0,7.0) fixed_size_list_float64 (RealList) = (2:6,7) fixed_size_list_string (StringList) = (2:g,h) struct_field.a (Integer64) = 1 struct_field.b (Real) = 2.5 struct_field.c.d (String) = e struct_field.c.f (String) = g struct_field.h (Integer64List) = (2:5,6) struct_field.i (Integer64) = 3 map_boolean (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint8 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int8 (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint16 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int16 (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint32 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int32 (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint64 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int64 (String(JSON)) = {} map_float32 (String(JSON)) = {} map_float64 (String(JSON)) = {} map_string (String(JSON)) = {} dict (Integer) = (null) POINT (3 2) OGRFeature(out_SNAPPY):4 boolean (Integer(Boolean)) = 1 uint8 (Integer) = 5 int8 (Integer) = 2 uint16 (Integer) = 40001 int16 (Integer(Int16)) = 20000 uint32 (Integer64) = 4000000001 int32 (Integer) = 2000000000 uint64 (Real) = 400000000001 int64 (Integer64) = 200000000000 float32 (Real(Float32)) = 5.5 float64 (Real) = 5.5 string (String) = d large_string (String) = d timestamp_ms_gmt (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+00 timestamp_ms_gmt_plus_2 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00+02 timestamp_ms_gmt_minus_0215 (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00-0215 timestamp_s_no_tz (DateTime) = 2019/01/01 14:00:00 time32_s (Time) = 00:00:05 time32_ms (Time) = 00:00:00.005 time64_us (Integer64) = 5 time64_ns (Integer64) = 5 date32 (Date) = 1970/01/06 date64 (Date) = 1970/01/01 binary (Binary) = 0001 large_binary (Binary) = 0001 fixed_size_binary (Binary) = 0001 decimal128 (Real) = -1234.567 decimal256 (Real) = -1234.567 list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (4:1,0,1,0) list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_int8 (IntegerList) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_int16 (IntegerList) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_int32 (IntegerList) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_uint64 (RealList) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_int64 (Integer64List) = (4:0,7,8,9) list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (4:nan,7.5,8.5,9.5) list_float64 (RealList) = (4:nan,7.5,8.5,9.5) list_string (StringList) = (4:A,BC,CDE,DEFG) fixed_size_list_boolean (IntegerList(Boolean)) = (2:1,0) fixed_size_list_uint8 (IntegerList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_int8 (IntegerList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_uint16 (IntegerList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_int16 (IntegerList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_uint32 (Integer64List) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_int32 (IntegerList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_liARROW: Memory pool: bytes_allocated = 12800 ARROW: Memory pool: max_memory = 32896 GDAL: GDALClose(out_SNAPPY.parquet, this=00000211A70E3DA0) GDAL: In GDALDestroy - unloading GDAL shared library. st_uint64 (RealList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_int64 (Integer64List) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_float32 (RealList(Float32)) = (2:8.0,9.0) fixed_size_list_float64 (RealList) = (2:8,9) fixed_size_list_string (StringList) = (2:i,j) struct_field.a (Integer64) = 1 struct_field.b (Real) = 2.5 struct_field.c.d (String) = e struct_field.c.f (String) = g struct_field.h (Integer64List) = (2:5,6) struct_field.i (Integer64) = 3 map_boolean (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint8 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int8 (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint16 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int16 (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint32 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int32 (String(JSON)) = {} map_uint64 (String(JSON)) = {} map_int64 (String(JSON)) = {} map_float32 (String(JSON)) = {} map_float64 (String(JSON)) = {} map_string (String(JSON)) = {} dict (Integer) = 2 POINT (4 2) 0
follow-up: 5 comment:4 by , 3 years ago
In my Windows 10 Home 64-bit system (AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics), the ogrinfo.exe and arrow.dll crash is reported in Event Viewer as an Application Error for application ogrinfo.exe and module arrow.dll with Exception code: 0xc000001d (the same as reported at for tiledb.dll by another user).
Full Event Viewer errors report at
CPU-Z reports the following instructions sets for AMD A8-6410: MMX (+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4A, x86-64, AMD-V, AES, AVX
ogrinfo out_SNAPPY.parquet out_SNAPPY --debug ON
crashes after the dict: Integer (0.0), domain name=dictDomain
string is displayed, just before the first OGRFeature report, while it doesn't crash for out_BROTLI.parquet or out_GZIP.parquet or out_ZSTD.parquet.
The full log of run.bat (with ogrinfo -fid 0 out_%%c.parquet out_%%c
instead of ogrinfo out_%%c.parquet out_%%c
) in the OSGeo4W Shell is available at
follow-up: 6 comment:5 by , 3 years ago
Replying to andreaerdna:
CPU-Z reports the following instructions sets for AMD A8-6410: MMX (+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4A, x86-64, AMD-V, AES, AVX
Does setting the environment variable ARROW_USER_SIMD_LEVEL to NONE make a difference on your machine?
follow-up: 7 comment:6 by , 3 years ago
Replying to jef:
Replying to andreaerdna:
CPU-Z reports the following instructions sets for AMD A8-6410: MMX (+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4A, x86-64, AMD-V, AES, AVX
Does setting the environment variable ARROW_USER_SIMD_LEVEL to NONE make a difference on your machine?
No difference with set ARROW_USER_SIMD_LEVEL=NONE
and also with any other value specified at (apart from "SSE4.2" which should be actually "SSE4_2").
follow-up: 8 comment:7 by , 3 years ago
Replying to andreaerdna:
No difference with
and also with any other value specified at (apart from "SSE4.2" which should be actually "SSE4_2").
Please try arrow-cpp-7.0.0-2.
comment:8 by , 3 years ago
Replying to jef:
Please try arrow-cpp-7.0.0-2.
Unfortunately, the same issue occurs on my system also with arrow-cpp-7.0.0-2.
comment:9 by , 3 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
actually is was snappy itself (builds with BMI2 by default). Fixed in snappy-1.1.9-2 (and rebuilt arrow-cpp-7.0.1-5)
Not reproducable here. Are you seing invalid instructions in eventlog? conda is using ARROW_SSE42=OFF (which I can't find in source - ARROW_SIMD_LEVEL seems related, but unlike tiledb it apperantly checks for support at runtime and is even configurable at runtime via ARROW_USER_SIMD_LEVEL).