Kubernetes and Security -- An Overview from RedHat and Intel Feb 2019 This all-day seminar, presented at no cost to OpenSource contributors and others, featured RedHat senior speakers on a variety of topics related to Kubernetes and security, both current and roadmap. The event was presented to an audience of about 100 professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds, commercial, government and FOSS. Primary committers on many projects were also in attendance, mostly from RedHat. The morning started out with the news that "security is a hard problem, and is not solved" .. there is a massive expansion of products and participants, and that most every C-Level executive in technology is identifying security as a key-concern in recent surveys. Of course, what is not stated on-stage is the relentless news articles on data-breaches of every kind, and a general worry about increasingly sophisticated attack vectors, up-to and including "AI" driven activity. Couple this with very popular and cost-effective "cloud" computing services, and the idea that security is important is self-evident. presentations are available here: https://www.brighttalk.com/summit/4516-security-symposium/ event site: https://www.redhat.com/en/events/security-symposium-sanjose#