Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #1817, comment 4

Nov 30, 2016, 9:11:43 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #1817, comment 4

    v2 v3  
    331. Regarding platform/wikihost for this [ Page Forms] (''PF'') application:
    44   1. as noted above, development through at least alpha-testing can be done on a freehost (i.e., a free, external SMW provider, such as [ Referata] or the [ SMW sandbox]), preventing problems with current wiki apps on current wikihost.
    5    1. deployment of all OSGeo assets should only be onto secure hosts, and moreover hosts for which OSGeo can maintain security (i.e., has required resources). If time/labor resources prevent appropriate maintenance of current wikihost, we should redeploy to an external provider. (See some details regarding those on the security ticket:1819; more to come.)
     5   1. deployment of all OSGeo assets should only be onto secure hosts, and moreover onto '''hosts for which OSGeo can maintain security''' (i.e., has required resources). If time/labor resources prevent appropriate maintenance of current wikihost, we should redeploy to an external provider. (See some details regarding those on the security ticket:1819; more to come.)
    661. Regarding deployment automation framework (''DAF''):
    77   1. [ Mobo] and [ Page Schemas] (''PS'') seem approximately (ICBW) functionally equivalent.
    88   1. Mobo is apparently (ICBW) not currently available on any external SMW provider, while PS is available on at least 2 (Referata and [ WikiHoster]).
    9    1. Mobo is less well maintained than PS, and seems much less likely to track future changes in PF (the presentation layer which both DAFs target).
     9   1. Mobo is less well maintained than PS, and seems much less likely to track future changes in PF (the presentation layer which both DAFs target), and is not even secure WRT Node.js (its development framework).
    2828The major ''implementation'' difference between Mobo and PS is that the former is external to MW, while PS is an MW extension. This leads to the major ''availability'' difference: at least 2 external providers (Referata and !WikiHoster) support PS, but I currently know of none that support Mobo. Hence I am using PS to develop the OSRC app.
    30 There is also a ''social'' difference between Mobo and PS, regarding their developers/maintainers, which should not be ignored. Mobo is essentially [ Simon Heimler's master's thesis project]: only one other person has [ committed to Mobo]--by making exactly 1 commit. That thesis was submitted 18 Jul 2015. Of the [ commits to the Mobo repo] (archived [ here]), the last functional commit was 25 Jan 2016, and the last commit of any kind was [ 18 Mar 2016] (archived [ here]), in which Heimler withdraws his prior commitment to a version 2. Furthermore Heimler's last post to an SMW maillist was 3 Nov 2015 (per [ this search]). Given Heimler's withdrawal from the community and the code, ISTM reasonable to assume that Mobo will be unmaintained for the forseeable future.
     30There is also a ''social'' difference between Mobo and PS, regarding their developers/maintainers, which should not be ignored. Mobo is essentially [ Simon Heimler's master's thesis project]: only one other person has [ committed to Mobo], and that person made exactly 1 commit. That thesis was submitted 18 Jul 2015. Of the [ commits to the Mobo repo] (archived [ here]), the last functional commit was 25 Jan 2016, and the last commit of any kind was [ 18 Mar 2016] (archived [ here]), in which Heimler withdraws his prior commitment to a version 2. Mobo is not currently even up-to-date WRT Node.js dependencies, where it already has [ security vulnerabilities]. Furthermore Heimler's last post to an SMW maillist was 3 Nov 2015 (per [ this search]). Given Heimler's withdrawal from the community and the code, ISTM reasonable to assume that Mobo will be unmaintained for the forseeable future.
    32 By contrast, both PF and PS are maintained by primarily maintained by Yaron Koren, a former core SMW contributor who remains very active on the SMW lists. PS has a [ much larger commit community] (including current and former core SMW contributors), and [ much more frequent commits]. Hence it seems quite unlikely that PS will become abandonware; particularly it seems likely that PS will track any future changes in PF (unlike Mobo).
     32By contrast, both PF and PS are maintained by primarily maintained by Yaron Koren, a former [ core SMW contributor] who remains very active on the SMW lists. PS has a [ much larger commit community] (including current and former core SMW contributors), and [ much more frequent commits]. Hence it seems quite unlikely that PS will become abandonware; particularly it seems likely that PS will track any future changes in PF (unlike Mobo).