Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #1817, comment 1

Nov 29, 2016, 10:24:46 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #1817, comment 1

    v3 v4  
    1 I got a Referata account (plus a scratchpad account--dunno why they're separate), did some Page Forms reading, and have started on the data schema. For now, I'm guessing the following should do what Dr Anand wants, and this will give me something to prototype. First line of each block is the name of the datastructure aka template (think "class") aka form (think "instance"); following that are the names of its properties (think "fields") with brief description. Note questions about computed primary keys aka titles: I saw a post that claims this can be done, but the link given has rotted--will followup about that on the SMW list.
     1I got a Referata account (plus a scratchpad account--dunno why they're separate), did some Page Forms reading, and have started on the data schema. For now, I'm guessing the following schema [now being maintained [ here]] should do what Dr Anand wants, and this will give me something to prototype. Besides the computed-property question, other followup is to contact Dr Anand (possibly et al) about what queries he wants supported. [Note
    3 {{{
    4 Organization:
    5 org_name           (pkey, property type=page)
    6 org_website        (property type=text !enum)
    7 org_country        (property type=text {enum, from dropdown}?)
    8 org_contact_name   (property type=text !enum)
    9 org_contact_email  (property type=text !enum)
    10 org_OSRCs          (aggregate on fkey==property name=`OSRC_host-org_name`)
    12 OSRC:
    13 pkey==property name=`OSRC_org_name_and_year`==`${OSRC_host-org_name} ${OSRC_year}`
    14 OSRC_host-org_name      (fkey==property=`org_name`)
    15 OSRC_year               (property type=year)
    16 OSRC_events_this_year   (aggregate on `${OS_event_host_org_name} && ${OS_event_year}`)
    17 OSRC_projects_this_year (aggregate on `${OS_project_sponsor_org_name} && ${OS_project_year}`)
    18 OSRC_plan_for_next_year (property type=textarea)
    20 OS event:
    21 pkey==property name=`OS_event_name_and_year`==`${OS_event_name} ${OS_event_year}`
    22 OS_event_host_org_name = fkey == property name=`org_name`
    23 OS_event_name            (property type=text)
    24 OS_event_year            (property type=year) (or compute from start or end date?)
    25 OS_event_start_date      (property type=date)
    26 OS_event_end_date        (property type=date)
    27 OS_event_description     (property type=textarea)
    29 OS project by year:
    30 pkey==property name=`OS_project_name_and_year`==`${OS_project_name} ${OS_project_year}`
    31 OS_project_sponsor_org_name = fkey == property name=`org_name`
    32 OS_project_name        (property type=text)
    33 OS_project_year        (property type=year)
    34 OS_project_description (property type=textarea)
    35 }}}
    37 Besides the computed-property question, other followup is to contact Dr Anand (possibly et al) about what queries he wants supported. For now, I'm guessing he'll want some subset of the following:
    39 1. Orgs: will do a separate query page (just aggregate on property=`org_name`)
    40 1. OSRCs by org: available via the org's URI, either in browser via query API
    41 1. OSRCs by year: will do a separate query page, just fill-in year (or use API for same)
    42 1. OSRC for org + year: also via the org's page/URI
    43 1. OS events for org + year: available via the OSRC's page/URI
    44 1. OS events for year: will do a separate query page, just fill-in year (or use API for same)
    45 1. OS projects for org + year: available via the OSRC's page/URI
    46 1. OS projects for year: will do a separate query page, just fill-in year (or use API for same)
    47 1. OSRC plans for org + year: available via the OSRC's page/URI
     31. contact subsequently made via email to Anand (CC Neteler and Willmes) 12 Nov 2016.
     41. queries being maintained [ here]