
Version 11 (modified by johng, 17 years ago) ( diff )



There are two basic areas covered by following technical specification:

  • MOSS4G Framework - foundation libraries available for Windows CE applications development
  • MOSSMAP - main end-user application based on the MOSS4G Framework dedicated for Windows Mobile 5.0+ for Pocket PC and Smartphone

General Features

  • MOSS4G is based on Open Source Software / Free Software
  • Target platform
    • Windows CE 5.0 and higher (Windows Mobile 5.0+ for Pocket PC and Smartphone)
    • in future, it should be possible to support other mobile platforms like Linux or Symbian, on volunteer basis
  • Standard PDA Hardware as of 2007
  • Internet connection: GPRS IP connection (not always online) or 3G IP connection (ie. CDMA2000 Verizon 3G, mostly online)
  • I18N support
  • OGC protocols support: WMS, WFS, WPS
  • Vector and raster formats support using GDAL library
  • GPS support for navigation and vector editing

MOSSMAP Application Features

Map Management

  • Load map from project file
  • Save map to project file
  • Import/Export map from MapServer file
  • Publish map to remote Web server
  • Upload complete map to remove server
    A project includes the shapefile with the digitized polygones, the corresponding cache and one or more simple files (like PDF).
    The uploading process has to use authentication.
    A simple web form could be used to do the uploading (perhaps package all files in a specfic way into one .zip file and
    upload this single file - the server will know that to do with it)
  • Consideration of on-fly projection of layers added to a map
    • Selection of map projection (default: projection of a first layer)
    • Projection definition for each layer
    • Consideration of projection defined for GeoTiff? or Shapefile (.prj file)

Layer Management

  • Add/Remove layer
  • Toggle layer visibility in current view
  • Reorder layers

Vector layer

  • Layer style customization
  • Features classification based on value of selected attribute using:
    • Single symbol
    • Graduated symbol
    • Continuous symbol
    • Unique symbol
  • Formats:
    • ESRI Shapefile
    • WFS

Raster layer

  • Data formats:
    • GeoTIFF
      • single (Just one tiff for one layer)
      • tiled (many images form a single layer ... shape file indexing or tile cache)
    • WMS
  • Cache tool:
    Tool to cache a area to be specified on a WMS layer (x meters around a point) onto local storage so that it creates and stores a "map" file as well.
    Use WMS and WFS request to download bitmaps and vector data (stored as Shapefile) - names etc. are to be hardcoded.
    It must be possible to give each of these caches a name. It will represent a directory.
    Option to delete caches (dialog with a list, you can pick one or many and press a "remove" button.

  • Zoom-in
  • Zoom-out
  • Zoom to extent of all layers
  • Zoom to extent of selected layer
  • Pan
  • Query vector feature (display attributes)
  • Measurement tools: distance, area
  • Scale:
    • as a scale bar
    • in textual form


  • Using OGC WPS protocol implemented with PyWPS Route Path
  • LOS calculations

Features Editing

GPS Support

  • Show current GPS position
    • graphical cursor in map window
    • latitude/longitude/altitude in textual form
  • Show GPS diagnostics details
  • Capture and store GPS track to a file
  • Waypoints management support
    • Retrieve and display waypoints from GPS unit
    • Store waypoints in a file
    • Send waypoints through WFS-T
  • Import/Export GPX
  • GPSI

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