= Usage = == Optional New API Syntax== Available by re-swigging(sp?) with NEXT_GENERATION_API swig -perl5 -shadow -DNEXT_GENERATION_API mapscript.i == Optional New Naming Convention == Available by re-swigging(sp?) with NEXT_GENERATION_NAMES swig -perl5 -shadow -DNEXT_GENERATION_NAMES mapscript.i == Example == Here is a simple perl example that loads a mapfile, creates an image and saves it: {{{ #!perl #!/usr/bin/perl -w use mapscript; # # Include XBase for access to XBase/DBF files. use XBase; # # Include DBI so XBase files can be queried in an SQL manner. use DBI; # # Start the map. my $map = new mapscript::mapObj('boundary.map') or die('Unable to open mapfile.'); # # Render the map. my $img = $map->draw() or die('Unable to draw map'); # # Save the rendered image. my $void = $img->save('example.png'); }}} ---- back to PerlMapScript