= shapeObj = == drawing lines with mapscript == ...class definition in the map file needed a style section (even if it is empty)... {{{ #!perl $layer = $map->getLayerByName('line_layer'); $layer->{status} = 1; my $linePoint1 = new mapscript::pointObj(); $linePoint1->{x} = 272048; $linePoint1->{y} = 199772; my $linePoint2 = new mapscript::pointObj(); $linePoint2->{x} = 272450; $linePoint2->{y} = 200074; my $line = new mapscript::lineObj(); $line->add($linePoint1); $line->add($linePoint2); my $shape = new mapscript::shapeObj($mapscript::MS_SHAPE_LINE); $shape->add($line); $shape->{text} = "LINE TEXT"; $shape->draw($map, $layer, $img); }}} ---------------------------------- {{{ LAYER NAME "line_layer" STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:26958" END TYPE LINE CLASS STYLE END LABEL ANGLE AUTO FONT arial TYPE TRUETYPE POSITION UC SIZE 7 COLOR 0 0 0 END COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 10 END END }}} ---- back to PerlMapScript