= query_points42.pl = {{{ #!perl #!/usr/bin/perl # This has been tested with mapserver 4.2 beta3. I found that Perl mapscript4.0.2 was not quite ready for prime # time. Missing methods: class->getStyle(), colorObj support, etc. It illustrates some of the changes needed to # adapt a mapscript3.6 application to mapscript4.2. Thanks to Sean Giles for all his work on mapscript. ######################## # This is an example of creating a layer of point objects (actually buoys in the Gulf of Maine, U.S.) It should be # easily adaptable to any set of points. It creates the points as features in the layer which means that they # can still be retrieved using $layer->queryByPoint() even though no shape file or database connection exists # for them. # In this revised edition: # a) the points are drawn using $point->draw(). This allows us to do a getClass() and getStyle() for each point # and set style values such as $class->{style}{size} for each point. # b) We call addFeature() so that the layer is queryable, which is the main point. # c) We use a numeric key value as the $shape->{index} which maps to our "database". This will be returned by # queryByPoint(). # d) No need to call $layer->draw() since we already called $point->draw(). Thus the features serve as # an invisible layer just for querying. # Author: Eric Bridger eric@gomoos.org eric@maine.com # Date: # This has been tested with mapserver 4.2 beta3. It does not work with mapserver4.0.2 ######################## use strict; use mapscript42; use CGI ":cgi"; $ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = '/tmp/mapserver4.log'; my $q = new CGI; my $msg = ''; # A hash of points. First field is the key value used in addFeature() and returned by queryByPoint(). # This could come from any external database, etc. my %points = ( 10202 => {'longitude' => -67.0173, 'latitude' => 44.8911, 'size' => 5, 'label' => 'one', }, 20103 => {'longitude' => -66.0146, 'latitude' => 45.2045, 'size' => 10, 'label' => 'two', }, 30105 => {'longitude' => -68.3578, 'latitude' => 43.7148, 'size' => 12, 'label' => 'three', }, 40102 => {'longitude' => -66.5528, 'latitude' => 43.6243, 'size' => 18, 'label' => 'four', }, 50105 => {'longitude' => -68.9983, 'latitude' => 44.0555, 'size' => 20, 'label' => 'five', }, 60102 => {'longitude' => -67.8800, 'latitude' => 43.4900, 'size' => 10, 'label' => 'six', }, 70104 => {'longitude' => -70.5665, 'latitude' => 42.5185, 'size' => 10, 'label' => 'seven', }, 80103 => {'longitude' => -70.4278, 'latitude' => 43.1807, 'size' => 10, 'label' => 'eight', }, 90104 => {'longitude' => -68.1087, 'latitude' => 44.1058, 'size' => 8, 'label' => 'nine', }, 100202 => {'longitude' => -70.0578, 'latitude' => 43.5673, 'size' => 15, 'label' => 'ten', }, ); my $image_name = sprintf("tmp/%0.10d",rand(1000000000)) . ".png"; # see points42.map my $map = new mapscript42::mapObj("points42.map"); if(!$map){ warn "New mapObj() error: $mapscript42::ms_error->{message}\n"; } # Get symbol indexes from map's symbolset my $circle_idx = $map->{symbolset}->index("circle"); my $plus_idx = $map->{symbolset}->index("plus"); # Colors have changed in 4.2. No longer just an index, $clr_index = $map->addColor() is gone. # You can also use $styleOjb->{color}->setRGB() and $class->{label}->{color}->setRGB(); my $blue = new mapscript42::colorObj(0,0,255); my $red = new mapscript42::colorObj(255,0,0); my $black = new mapscript42::colorObj(0,0,0); # Create a point object representing the mouse click on the map. my ($x, $y) = get_click($q, $map); my $click_pt = undef; if($x != 0 && $y != 0){ $click_pt = new mapscript42::pointObj(); $click_pt->{x} = $x; $click_pt->{y} = $y; } # create an image for drawing. my $img = $map->draw(); if(!$img){ warn "prepareImage() error: $mapscript42::ms_error->{message}\n"; } my $layerObj = undef; # Add points as Features to the point layer. $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName('points'); # Queries will return index into this array. foreach my $point_id (keys %points){ my $point = new mapscript42::pointObj(); $point->{x} = $points{$point_id}{longitude}; $point->{y} = $points{$point_id}{latitude}; # Features require shape objects, which require lines, so create a single point line. my $line = new mapscript42::lineObj(); $line->add($point); my $shp = new mapscript42::shapeObj($mapscript42::MS_SHAPE_POINT); $shp->add($line); #$shp->setBounds(); # Don't set any text, $point->draw() will draw the text. #$shp->{text} = $point_id; # set the shape index to our database key value. # the $shp->{index} can be any NUMERIC value. If our database key values were alphanumeric # we would need to use a lookup array and set $shp-{index} to 0,1,2,... # queryByPoint() results will return this value, but it must be numeric. $shp->{index} = $point_id; $layerObj->addFeature($shp); # we only have one class in this layer. my $class = $layerObj->getClass(0); # TWO APPROACHES illustrated here. # NEW SYTLE OBJ #my $style = new mapscript42::styleObj(); # OR # EXISTING STYLE OBJ: This picks up defaults from map file e.g. black outline color my $style = $class->getStyle(0); # Add new style. #my $style = new mapscript42::styleObj($class); # point size based on our "database" $style->{size} = $points{$point_id}{size}; if($point_id == 40102){ $style->{symbol} = $plus_idx; }else{ $style->{symbol} = $circle_idx; } #$style->{symbol} = $plus_idx; # COLORS # just to illustrate assigning a reference to a colorObj. my $color = $red; if($point_id == 20103){ $color = $black; } $style->{color} = $color; # since this is a STYLE from the map file we don't need this. # it's in the map file. $style->{outlinecolor} = $black; $class->{label}->{color} = $blue; $point->draw($map, $layerObj, $img, undef, $points{$point_id}{label}); # NEW STYLE must REMOVE if you inserted it. #$class->removeStyle(0); } # Query based on the mouse click point. if($click_pt){ $msg .= "

\n"; # this is un-needed. $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName('points'); if($layerObj->queryByPoint($map,$click_pt,$mapscript42::MS_SINGLE,0)){ $msg .= "No Points found
\n"; }else{ # In 4.2 $layerObj-{resultcache} is no longer used. # use $num_results = $layerObj->getNumResults() then # foreach my $i (0 .. $num_results-1){ # my $rslt = $layerObj->getResult($i); #} # we only expect one result. my $rslt = $layerObj->getResult(0); # this is the numeric value we used for the shape passed to addFeature() above. my $point_id = $rslt->{shapeindex}; $msg .= "Click found point: $point_id.
\n"; $msg .= "name is: $points{$point_id}{label}.
\n"; $msg .= "size is: $points{$point_id}{size}.
\n"; $msg .= "lat: $points{$point_id}{latitude} long: $points{$point_id}{longitude}.
\n"; } $msg .= "

\n"; } # display the click point if($click_pt){ $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName('click'); $click_pt->draw($map, $layerObj, $img, undef, "Click"); } $map->drawLabelCache($img); $img->save($image_name); # NOTA BENA Deconstructors (~) have been created for all mapscript objects. Don't call $imgObj->free(). # It will be removed, but now causes core dump. #$img->free(); # Output the HTML form and map print $q->header(); print $q->start_html(-title=>'MapServer4.2 - Dynamic Points', -bgcolor=>"#ffffff"); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "$msg
\n"; print "

\n"; print $q->end_html(); # translate mouse click x,y into map longitude, latitude based on map extent. This is based on set_extent() in # mapquakes.pl sub get_click { my ($q, $map) = @_; my ($x, $y, $cx, $cy) = (0,0,0,0); my $minx = $map->{extent}->{minx}; my $miny = $map->{extent}->{miny}; my $maxx = $map->{extent}->{maxx}; my $maxy = $map->{extent}->{maxy}; if($q->param('img.x')) { # Make sure we got a click $x = $q->param('img.x'); $y = $q->param('img.y'); $cx = ($maxx-$minx)/($map->{width}-1); # calculate cellsize in x and y $cy = ($maxy-$miny)/($map->{height}-1); $x = $minx + $cx*$x; # change x,y from image to map coordinates $y = $maxy - $cy*$y; } return ($x, $y); } }}} = points42.map = {{{ MAP NAME "points42" STATUS ON EXTENT -71.5 39.5 -63.0 46.0 SIZE 504 385 IMAGETYPE PNG UNITS DD PROJECTION "proj=latlong" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME PNG DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" # 24bit IMAGEMODE RGB # 8 bit psuedo color #IMAGEMODE PC256 #EXTENSION "png" END SYMBOL TYPE ELLIPSE NAME "circle" POINTS 1 1 END FILLED TRUE END SYMBOL TYPE VECTOR NAME "plus" POINTS .5 0 .5 1 -99 -99 0 .5 1 .5 END END LAYER NAME "points" TYPE POINT STATUS ON TOLERANCE 10 # Need fake template for querys to work TEMPLATE "bogus.html" CLASS NAME "buoy" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 0 COLOR 0 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL COLOR 255 0 0 TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM POSITION AUTO PARTIALS FALSE BUFFER 2 END # end of label END PROJECTION "proj=latlong" END END LAYER NAME "click" TYPE POINT STATUS ON CLASS NAME "click" STYLE SYMBOL "plus" SIZE 6 COLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 POSITION AUTO PARTIALS FALSE BUFFER 1 END END END END }}} ---- back to PerlMapScript