== Results == || '''Description''' || '''Parallel Requests''' || '''Number of request done in 20 seconds''' || || CGI request on state_shp layer with square extents and square maps * || 1 || 297 to 305 || || WMS request on state_shp layer with square extents and square maps * || 1 || 270 to 280 || || CGI request on state_shp layer with square extents and square maps with 100 layer in mapfile ** || 1 || 275 to 280 || || CGI request on state_shp layer with square extents and square maps with EPSG code in map object *** || 1 || 295 to 297 || {{{ * Used the mapfile below out of the box with the extents below to draw a 500x500 square map with a square extent. I've only tested with one parallel request since I only have one CPU. ** Copied the 3 layers in the mapfile multiple times to get a total of 100 layers. The copied layers were not called like the 3 original ones. *** Only changed the MAP projection block to be "init=epsg:4326" instead of the projection string. }}} == Test machine == Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop || '''RAM''' || 2GB || || '''CPU''' || Intel Pentium M 1.73Ghz || == Tools == MapServer 2008/03/07 trunk version[[BR]] [http://www.acme.com/software/http_load/ http_load] for load creation[[BR]] gprof[[BR]] GeoServer performance test data and mapfile (see below for the mapfile)[[BR]] === Width 500x500 Extent: === {{{ -97.0+32.65+-96.95+32.7 -97.1+32.5+-97+32.6 -97.06+32.5+-96.96+32.6 -97.07+32.5+-96.97+32.6 -97.09+32.5+-96.99+32.6 -97.1+32.6+-97+32.7 -97.07+32.6+-96.97+32.7 -97.075+32.5+-96.975+32.6 -97.079+32.5+-96.979+32.6 -97.09+32.5+-96.99+32.6 -97.04+32.5+-96.94+32.6 -97.06+32.5+-96.96+32.6 -97.06+32.53+-96.96+32.63 -97.06+32.56+-96.96+32.66 -97.05+32.56+-96.95+32.66 -97.05+32.58+-96.95+32.68 -97.04+32.58+-96.94+32.68 -97.03+32.587+-96.93+32.687 -97.035+32.54+-96.935+32.64 -97.03+32.54+-96.93+32.64 -97.03+32.55+-96.93+32.65 -97.02+32.545+-96.92+32.645 -97.02+32.554+-96.92+32.654 -97.088+32.5+-96.988+32.6 -97.085+32.5+-96.985+32.6 -97.08+32.5+-96.98+32.6 -97.08+32.55+-96.98+32.65 -97.06+32.55+-96.96+32.65 -97.06+32.54+-96.96+32.64 -97.03+32.59+-96.93+32.69 }}} === bench.map Mapfile === {{{ # Map server benchmark map file MAP IMAGETYPE PNG EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "./data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET "./fonts/fonts.list" #PROJECTION # "init=epsg:4326" #"proj=longlat" #"ellps=WGS84" #"datum=WGS84" #END # WMS and WFS metadata WEB METADATA "wms_title" "WMS Demo Server" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:32632" "wfs_title" "WFS Demo Server" "wfs_onlineresource" "" "wfs_srs" "EPSG:4326" END END # STATE_POLYGONS LAYER NAME states METADATA "wms_title" "Distribution of population in USA, polygons" "wfs_title" "USA population" "gml_featureid" "ID" "gml_include_items" "all" END DATA states TYPE POLYGON LABELITEM "STATE_ABBR" DUMP TRUE # Projection #PROJECTION # "proj=longlat" # "ellps=WGS84" # "datum=WGS84" #END CLASS NAME 'less than 2M' EXPRESSION ([PERSONS] < 2000000) STYLE COLOR 77 255 77 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 ANTIALIAS FALSE TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "TimesNewRoman" SIZE 11 POSITION CC PARTIALS FALSE END END CLASS NAME 'between 2M and 4M' EXPRESSION (2000000 <= [PERSONS] AND [PERSONS] < 4000000 ) STYLE COLOR 255 77 77 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 ANTIALIAS FALSE TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "TimesNewRoman" SIZE 11 POSITION CC PARTIALS FALSE END END CLASS NAME 'more than 4M' EXPRESSION ([PERSONS] >= 4000000 ) STYLE COLOR 77 77 255 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 ANTIALIAS FALSE TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "TimesNewRoman" SIZE 11 POSITION CC PARTIALS FALSE END END END # Tiger texas, postgis, full roads (1M lines) LAYER NAME tiger_shp METADATA "wms_title" "Tiger lines, Texas, Shapefile" "wfs_title" "Tiger lines, Texas, Shapefile" "gml_featureid" "ID" "gml_include_items" "all" "wms_extent" "-106.64395234549875 25.841083405399676 -93.51951316494875 36.50068992305937" END DATA tiger_shp STATUS ON TYPE LINE #DUMP TRUE # Projection (shared by all layers) #PROJECTION #"init=epsg:4326" # #"proj=longlat" # #"ellps=WGS84" # #"datum=WGS84" #END CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 END END END # Merano TIFF layer (single file, tiled, overviews) LAYER NAME merano2 DATA "merano.tiff" TYPE RASTER #PROCESSING "RESAMPLE=AVERAGE" #PROCESSING "RESAMPLE=BILINEAR" METADATA "wms_title" "Merano TIFF imagery" "wms_extent" "663686.6867493344 5171720.999428161 664366.6867493344 5172320.999428161" END # Projection #PROJECTION # "proj=utm" # "zone=32" # "ellps=WGS84" # "datum=WGS84" # "units=m" #END END # End of map file END }}}